GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Tac Apps – Tactical NAV ver 2.0

A couple of months ago we told you about Tactical NAV, an iOS app developed by Army Artillery CPT Jonathan Springer while he was in Afghanistan. He has just released an update to the app. It offers an improved graphical interface as well as editable waypoints and the ability to navigate to waypoints. All points are available in MGRS format and bearings in degrees or mils.

Updates are free and we expect him to continue to refine his app. To get yours, visit iTunes.

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9 Responses to “Tac Apps – Tactical NAV ver 2.0”

  1. 0321 says:

    That could be cool if it was released for the tactically-adaptable, field-able Android options, and not the hispter-targeted, Starbucks-only iPhone.

    Still, great work, and I hope we’ll see an adaptation for other platforms!

  2. Jumper says:

    Androids on the battlefield are as much a pipe dream as an iphone.

  3. ArtyKing says:

    This thing is accurate as hell.

  4. Administrator says:

    It would be cool if he would do an Android version. Hope he’s reading.

  5. CPT Springer says:

    To all,

    Thanks for giving Tactical NAV a shout-out here – it really helps. I hear you guys about a Droid version. I’m trying to secure funding right now for the Android port of T-NAV, as I’m still paying off the iPhone version.

    Hopefully things work out and I can get an Android version going here soon.

    – CPT S

  6. Jumper says:

    You should try for some Army funding for the android version.

  7. Travis Barrett says:

    I’m stoked to see the update! I bought the app the last time you had an article on my wife’s iPhone and iPad just to support it. I shot him some feedback using the in app feature (which Jon replied to within 24-hours), and I’m glad to see some of those ideas were implemented!

    I’m a webOS man myself, but if this version doesn’t make money, the version you want will never appear. And if you think the iPhone doesn’t suit the tactical crowd, you’re crazy. There are plenty of apps and tools that suit our scene, especially snipers.

  8. CPT Springer says:

    Thanks Travis for the kind words in reference to the update – I’m stoked about it as well. It was tough to work on while I was deployed, but I think it came out great. Much better than the original, BTW.

    – CPT S

  9. Milidroid says:

    To beat a dead horse, I agree with an android port but the Cpt. knows that already and of course I’m biased.

    How about looking at a kick starter to help raise funds? http://www.kickstarter.com/

    As for Android not making it to the battlefield… well that doesn’t appear to be the case.