GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

The Institute of Military Technology

We recently found out that, naturally enough, Knight’s Armament Corp has a collection of Weapons, Military Vehicles and “Significant Memorabilia.” Unlike many collections which are kept under lock and key, KAC has decided to turn them into a sort of museum. Formed from the private collection of Reed Knight Jr, it is better known as The Institute of Military Technology. According their website, IMT “exists to Preserve, Educated and Motivate anyone who peruses this extensive collection.”

Here you can see the Hall of Armor which is joined by the Hall of Modern Arms and Hall of US Arms. In addition to eduction, the collection also serves as a “reference library” for weapons that are available for study by researchers at KAC.

The Institute of Military Technology is located in Titusville, Florida. To learn more, check out the website. www.instmiltech.com

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3 Responses to “The Institute of Military Technology”

  1. straps says:

    The coolest thing about these museums? The smell. Nothing smells like a room full of tracked, motorized weaponry.

    Been to the Armor Museum at Knox a few times and that was the first thing that hit me.

  2. Exiled Canadian says:

    The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa has a large hall with all sorts of tanks and artillery guns from the earliest to the relatively newest. (as in not the ones in current use.) Really nice museum if you’re ever up there. And yes, it also has that “smell”…

  3. Volk says:

    This is the greatest news ever! I’m heading down to Florida this winter and was trying to figure out how to get into Reed’s private collection. Problem solved!