Protact by Haartz

Advanced Outfitters at BLADE Show


This is video of Kevin Martin of Advanced Outfitters demonstrating the company’s showings at BLADE Show 2011, including the new Khyber belts, adjustable weapons sling and badge sling.


3 Responses to “Advanced Outfitters at BLADE Show”

  1. Mateusz says:

    Sling idea is stolen from Magpul isn’t it?

  2. UpChuck says:

    I like the sling and actually want one of those badge holders but their site sucks hard. None of those products are on the site. :/

  3. trailmix says:

    Mateusz – we have used a lot of slings for our guns and looked at even more when this process started. we had no intention of making slings until we finally got convinced by LEO friends who wanted a lower cost option with some of the “modern” features. we tried very hard to not copy anyone’s ideas and i believe we came up with a unique system at a very good price. there’s only so many ways to keep your gun from falling in the dirt when you let go of it while at the same time being able to quickly adjust the length. knife making is the same way. does everyone that makes a liner lock folder get accused of stealing walker’s idea?

    Upchuck – i concur the website is less than optimal, it is being worked on. we design and make gear, not websites. if you would be so kind as to buy a couple thousand badge slings, i would be more than happy to pay for a super snazzy website.