TYR Tactical

Mystery Ranch NICE Frame in CADPAT

Mystery Ranch let me in on a couple of upcoming products and as we went through the stacks of packs, they pulled out a NICE Frame in CADPAT-TW. This variant of the NICE frame will see limited fielding in the Canadian forces as a component of a weapons program.


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7 Responses to “Mystery Ranch NICE Frame in CADPAT”

  1. lolz says:

    They got me really curious about this weapon program thing…

  2. Aaron says:

    As of May they were not making frames in MULTICAM, but they did start making yokes which I was able to get my hands on.

    Remember the product has a lifetime guarantee and all repairs are free. I got my 6500 fixed up.

  3. RMCFrank says:

    If the said weapon system is the new 40mm grenade launcher that AFAIK we have no plan about mounting on vehicles, I am in awe.

  4. HinVan says:

    Did you see any updates on the Spartan pack that’s in development? I’ve been emailing MR now and then, got a developers address but silence.

  5. Administrator says:

    They are working out some issues with the Spartan.

    And yes, it’s for the 40mm.

  6. .308 says:

    Great to see this.. I saw Dana at Rampart Internationals booth at CANSEC in Ottawa a few months back; does anyone know if the Forces are using MR packs now?

  7. Aaron says:

    When I spoke with the guys in the shop in May…as of right now the Spartan is going on hold. It looked sexy…but didn’t work as well as they wanted it to, so if the kinks get worked out we may see it.

    However, I’m not gonna hold my breath, and when you’re shelling out the dough you do for their packs you should get one that has more flexibility like the 3-day assault or for the NICE Skiritai or Longbow.

    I’m not a spokesmen, I just happen to own a NICE 6500 that has been through hell a few times.