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B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD Stock

Although they maintain a low profile, B5 Systems is well known in the defense and aerospace industries for building quality electrical and mechanical assemblies. In 2009, they were selected by the US Army to supply the SOPMOD Stock which was originally developed by NSWC-Crane for use with SOCOM’s SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculiar Modification) M4A1 carbines.

The stock features sloped sides for improved improved cheek weld as well as watertight battery storage compartments. Please remember, this stock will only fit carbine receiver extensions built to Mil-Spec dimensions.

The B5 Enhanced SOPMOD Stock is available from Rally Point Tactical who is bringing it to the commercial market at a substantially lower price than other, similar stocks. Interested parties (wholesale and retail) should contact

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14 Responses to “B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD Stock”

  1. JM says:

    I don’t see them listed on the website. Curious why they would issue a press statement before adding it to the shopping cart.

  2. Alex says:

    Which one of the tan colors is equivalent to the LMT FDE Sopmod?
    Also, when will these actually be available?

  3. Davey says:

    Since the government is buying these from B5 for less than $13 each (and I assume B5 is making money) , I’ll wait to see how B5 and Rally Point Tactical price these for the consumer market.

  4. Mark says:

    Buy 250,000 and you can probably get that price. I hear retail is right around $100.

  5. FormerSFMedic says:

    I don’t believe retail is around $100. Last time I saw one of these, it was around $180.

  6. FormerSFMedic says:

    Wow, I stand corrected. They are up on the site for $120. Nice.

  7. Paul says:

    We just ordered these at the beginning of September with end of year money for all the M4s in my unit. My supply and maintenance guys were surprised when the order was placed and they saw the price was so cheap in FEDLOG.

    When we received the stocks, we were signficantly disappointed. They are EXTREMELY tight on the buffer tubes to the point they CANNOT be freely adjusted and the adjustment levers are loose when in position.
    Not sure what type plastic B5 is using compared to LMT, but they don’t feel as substancial as my personal LMT SOPMOD stock.

    I don’t know what B5s quality control is like but it really seems that we got a bad batch. I guess when you only charge uncle sam 12-13 bucks, you have to cut costs somewhere. they surely cut it in QC.

  8. Mark says:

    QC on these are just fine. I have detailed information on these stocks and have one sitting here as I write this. Issue with buffer tube is resolved. Can’t go into all details on a public site but this is not the same stock that you’ve dealt with before. As far as materials these are made with mil-spec material. Have any questions ask. If I don’t have the answer Ill get it.

  9. Brian says:

    Well mark, I removed the pin from the latch, tightened up the screw and put red loctite on it since once I tightened it I passed the pin hole for the roll pin. I put the roll pin back in anyway just as an extra measure I somehow the screw thingy moves down. That got rid of the latch play. Some people have just grinded down the stock pin that engages the buffer tube. I thought that was a bit much. Is my method pretty much what should be done to get this to fit a normal milspec buffer tube?

  10. Shay says:

    I would love to play email tag with anyone that has questions about the stock. Paul and Brian please contact me if you have any questions or comments. I can assure you that you did not recieve the SOPMOD Stock being offered to USSOCOM/Crane NSW by B5 and Rally Point Tactical. As Mark Stated there is a huge back story and I will fill anyone in who needs the information.


  11. Mark says:

    The stocks posted here are NOT the same stocks that were erroneously put in the supply chain. If you received these through legitimate chanels return them. All of those stocks were to be returned and destroyed. Some got DRMO and made it onto the open market; they were not suppossed to. The defective stocks were made to the specifications provided, the specs were wrong. Again the issue regarding the fit and latch pin have been remedied be redesigning and retooling. Ive tried these stocks on the various AR’s I own (Colt/LMT/Spikes/Daniel Defense) and they fit perfectly.

  12. Brian says:

    Just finished talking with Shay, and Yeah the stocks Paul and I received on a separate market were completely different stocks that were out of spec. THOSE ARE NOT the same stocks as these new B5 systems Sopmod stocks. Sucks for Paul and I but, these new B5 Stocks are in spec and are the real deal.

    Thanks Shay for clearing that up!

  13. Mark P says:

    I have 2 of the “tight fit” early gen stocks.
    Was able to mount one with serious filing work to the inside but still have the other in reserve.

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