SureFire XC3

Paraclete Founder Starts New Company

Looks like Tim D’Annunzio’s noncompete is up after selling Paraclete to MSA five years ago. He has just announced the formation of XPX Armor & Equipment based at 925 Doc Brown Road near Ft Bragg in Raeford, NC.

Over the last five years, D’Annunzio has hardly been sitting on his laurels. He went back to his roots with heavy involvement in the skydiving industry. One venture was Paraclete XP SkyVenture, a 60-foot vertical wind tunnel near Ft Bragg that is used for training. Additionally, he launched an unsuccessful bid for Congress.

In getting XPX going, D’Annunzio says he plans to initially employ 20 people but that number could eventually climb to 100. Additionally, XPX already claims to have $1 million in contracts lined up.

XPX Armor & Equipment. That’s a name to keep an eye on.

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3 Responses to “Paraclete Founder Starts New Company”

  1. Lasse says:

    On their site there is one product, an Light Assault Vest, which is basically the old and imo dated HPC with cummerbund design.. I wish that some of the new companies from the old guys would dare to be innovative.

  2. I see what you mean but... says:

    It HAS been 5 years. Let’s see what he comes up with.

  3. […] D’Anunzio in 2006. D’Anunzio himself has recently come back to the industry, launching XPX Armor & Equipment last […]