
Eagle Nest Outfitters Lounger

The Lounger from Eagle Nest Outfitters is just what I needed to relax after a hard day of writing. I’d seen it hanging in outdoor stores but the Lounger was ever properly set up to give it a go. However, at the most recent Outdoor Retailer, ENO had a couple of Loungers set up and they beckoned me into their booth to try it out. Truthfully, after a long day of walking the show floor, I thought I was in heaven and I knew right then I had to have one so when my birthday came earlier this month I got myself a present.


The real quandary was how to hang it. None of my eaves hang out far enough to keep me from laying up against the house and none of my trees had the right limb for the job, so I had to come up with a different plan of attack. Instead, I settled for a stand I found on Amazon that is designed for use with other brands of loungers. They all basically look the same online so I bought one. Sure, it was easy enough to assemble, coming in only four pieces. But, as usual, Murphy showed up. The top piece sits on a sleeve and is held fast by two bolts. Unfortunately, the bolts are too big. Naturally, no return instructions but since the bolts were really redundant anyway, I decided to keep it.

A word of caution for those who decide to go my route. The ENO Lounger is built a little different than other brands. In fact, you cannot use the clip and spring that Amazon recommends you purchase with the stand. If you do, you will sit so low that your rear will scrape the base of the stand. You’ll be just fine attaching the Lounger right to the stand’s eyelet or if you need a little more height, you can fit the Lounger’s attachment ring around the tube of the stand. If you do this, prepare a collar to pin it in place as it could slip off if you bounce around too much. Better yet, don’t bounce around. Just relax.

The Lounger itself is available in a variety of colors and is very comfortable. It features a pillow for your head, removable drink cozy, two side pockets for magazines or books (my iPad fits fine in one) and an adjustable, suspended foot rest. The frame is collapsible aluminum so it can be transported and will accommodate up to 260 lbs.

As for performance? So far so good. I’d recommend a Lounger to anyone who has the means to hang it and use it, liberally.


5 Responses to “Eagle Nest Outfitters Lounger”

  1. mike says:

    *ahem* relaxing, yes.

    good to see ENO broadening their target market 😉

  2. straps says:

    You got shorted a stirrup I think.

  3. Administrator says:


    What do you mean?


  4. mike says:

    Sex swing come with two stirrups; i think that’s what he was getting at.

  5. Administrator says:

    WOW…wrong section on Amazon guys!