Wilcox BOSS Xe

Art of the Tactical Carbine – Second Edition

Available soon in Bluray, Magpul Dynamics presents “Art of the Tactical Carbine” (both Vol I & II). In addition to the 1080i remastering, there is some additional content including Vol 1 Bloopers and the fabled Lost Chris Costa Interviews.


3 Responses to “Art of the Tactical Carbine – Second Edition”

  1. Dalton Fury says:

    Well done trailer with a lot of advanced techniques in here that are certainly realistic. Probably the most important is the elbow location of the firing hand. Looks like Chris and Travis have it down in their instruction. Keeping it tight to the body when engaging from open areas is critical because in a CQB environment under nods on unknown floor plans you will bump into and rub against other operators, walls, door jams, dressers, and even bad guys. A chicken wing elbow will have you flock shooting in no time.

  2. FormerSFMedic says:

    My former unit has been teaching a lot of these techniques for the last few years in follow on courses. With that said, I think its great that these DVD’s offer new content that features modern techniques that everyone should at least give a try. Iam not ashamed to say that I have learned a lot from Chris and Travis over the last couple years and I’m a better shooter because of it. Glad to see MD put out another version.

  3. Administrator says:

    Thanks for the comments guys. It’s good to hear from you. I can tell you that I cringe everytime I see someone chicken wing.