SureFire XC3

Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day when we commemorate the hardships of early settlers of our great land. We also take time to reflect on pur own trials and triumphs. Aptly enough, Mayflower Research and Consulting has provided a prize pack consisting of their new Assault Pack and a UW Gen IV Chest Rig. Both are in MultiCam and made from LiteLok fabric.



Mayflower asked us to find this gear a deserving home and we can’t think of any better group to honor than our readership. To enter, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments section below.

On Friday the 25th, we’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments for the prize pack.

We will contact the winner via the email address you provide when you post your comment, so it would behoove you to enter a valid address you can access.

One entry per person.

You have up to 7 days to claim your prize after we send the winner email. Unclaimed prizes become forfeit.

Void where prohibited.


325 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!”

  1. charlie says:

    i’m thankful for every day above ground.

  2. Joe says:

    I’m thankful that even though I suddenly found myself unemployed 4 months ago, My wife and I have not wanted for the necessities, and that I have friends who have gone out of their way to hire me for temp labor.

  3. kris says:

    thankful for my wife letting me go apesh*t on some gear on friday

  4. John says:

    Thankful for my family.

  5. John says:

    Thankful for my family

  6. Jamie says:

    We’re thankful for good health and the blessing of an upcoming baby.

  7. Bryan says:

    I am thankful for my wife and 3 wonderful children, and that we’re all healthy, I’m also thankful for the sacrifice of every Soldier that came before me, every time I put on my uniform I think of their sacrifices for our great nation

  8. Clint says:


  9. Clint says:

    I am thankful for A God who loves me, My family that Cares for one another, A Job that gets me by, and ssd that distracts me at said job

  10. martin says:

    I’m not American but I’m thankful for my family and pretty much everything about them.

  11. keith says:

    I am very thankfull for my cat, he dosent hold it aginst me or makes me feel guilty for being gone so long.

  12. Lasse says:

    I’m thankful for not having anything to complain about.

  13. Alex says:

    I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my job that provides great opportunities to enhance my future and puts food on the table for my family. Most of all I am thankful that I get to leave Kabul on leave in 8 days and be home for the holidays.

  14. Eric B says:

    I am thankful that I live in the greatest country in the world, the people who protect this country, my family and my health.

  15. SSG Orozco says:

    I am thankful for my god, my country, my troops and my family. Had a great thanks giving gents! I hope you all did as well.

  16. SSG Orozco says:

    And my iPhone so I can check on 😉

  17. Mika S says:

    I`m thankful for my friends vho support me

  18. Morten J says:

    I’m from Denmark, so I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. But however, I am thankfull for my beautiful and loving wife. 🙂

  19. Casey says:

    With a police officer, service member, and a nurse in the family I am thankful we are all able to spend the holidays together.

  20. Yau-Liong Tsai says:

    I’m thankful that I was born in the United States and have had the privilege to serve my country. I’m thankful for the job I have and that I can wake up every day and go to work without hesitation. I am thankful that I have a strong and healthy family.

  21. Seeks says:

    I am thankful for my beautiful new bride, a family that loves me, the good Lord that watches over me, and thankful that I live in the greatest country in the world!

  22. Robert says:

    I am Thankful for the freedoms and opportunities that I am afforded through the strength, dedication, and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Services. Thank You!

  23. MLangUSMC says:

    I am thankful for my family and all my friends who are home safely now. I am also thankful for those serving that they are safe and kept safe over the next year!

  24. Brendan Smith says:

    I’m thankful for my family, faith, and freedom! We live in what’s still the greatest nation on earth and have been blessed.

  25. Brian says:

    I’m thankful for my God, my family, my fiance, and my ability to fight for freedom!

  26. Sam S says:

    I’m thankful for my family, health and my freedom!

  27. Jack says:

    I am thankful for airsoft, for the UK would be much more boring without it 🙁

  28. David says:

    I’m thankful for my family and Mayflower/Velocity Systems kit,damn good stuff right there

  29. jon says:

    First and foremost I am thankfull for having the opportunity to serve in ISAF with my brothers in arms. Not a day goes by without me thinking back on the days we had togheter.

    R.I.P Kenneth

  30. Mat says:

    My family and friends

  31. Holger says:

    I’m thankful for all the luck that fate (or whatever it is) has sent my way recently!

  32. Adam says:

    My family, I may not be with them next Thanksgiving.

  33. mike says:

    Thankful for knuckledraggers willing to dole out necessary evil to secure our freedom.

  34. Greg says:

    Thanks to the brave men and women of the US military who stare danger in the face everyday. It would be all too easy for them to turn and run, letting someone else bear the responsibility.

  35. Mitch says:

    Im thankful for my wifes decision to ditch the family and head to Tennessee for Thanksgiving.

  36. sopcwannabe says:

    thankful for a house

  37. mike says:

    I am thankful for my friends and family.

  38. foxtrot says:

    I am thankful for my wife and our two amazing kids.

  39. Dave Rawlings says:

    I am thankful for my family. Thankful for my friends that have served and are serveing,also thankful that OBAMA IS ALMOST DONE!! HOOAH!

  40. Sully says:

    I am thankful for the mortars, arty, cobras, hornets and every 18-24 year old grunt on the ground with me last thanksgiving in Sangin who worked with me to schwack a platoon reinforced of pakistani taliban scum. Cant forget to be thankful for a solid chain of command and the PJ’s who flew into the sketchiest of hot LZ’s to take our wounded and fallen angels off the battlefield.

  41. Chris P says:

    Being Canadian I have already given thanks during our Thanksgiving last month. I am however thinking of and giving thanks to my Brothers in Arms from the US that I had the privilage of serving with last year at this time in Kandahar.

  42. Andy says:

    I’m thankful for family, friends and a great nation. Also thankful and privileged to work with a group of professionals.

  43. dale worster says:

    I am thankful for my 10 month old baby and family

  44. John Garrett says:

    I’m thankful for a lot of things. I recently took a $24k a year pay cut and things are tight, but we have food, clothes, a roof, and enough left over to buy a few Christmas gifts for my 3 little girls. Things could be much worse in these tough economic times.

  45. dale worster says:

    and freedom

  46. George says:

    I am thankful for everything God has given me in this life!

  47. Daniel Ratner says:

    I am grateful for my newborn baby girl, my supportive wife and family, and also a very supportive country. I am truly thankful for the past 17 years of service to this great country, and all the freedoms she has bestowed upon me.

  48. Ben Uecker says:

    I’m thankful for the internet, warm food, and indoor plumbing. Man life would be much worse without that stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  49. Dustin says:

    I’m thankful that this year I was able to spend the holidays with family.

  50. Scott taylor says:

    I am thankful for those in the armed forces that cant be with there families during the holidays.