SIG SAUER - Never Settle

DEPSOC360 Update


What started out as a project for snipers has evolved into an entire family of camouflage patterns. DEPSOC360 Camouflage Technology primarily relies on shape obfuscation to break up the very distinct silhouette of the human body. Additionally, it “is designed in layers, starting with solid base colors that represent the finest textures of the Military Operating Environment (MOE) and multiple layers of large asymmetric shapes that are typical of the natural scale and shape of the background texture, but not necessarily specific.”

MMI Tactical would like to know which of these patterns would suit you best for hunting. Visit their Facebook page and help them out.

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3 Responses to “DEPSOC360 Update”

  1. Martin says:

    I think Back Forty would be best for winter in Alabama. Not much use for the tundra pattern around here.

  2. Strike-Hold! says:

    Hyde Definition have already been using the “Badlands” name for a long time for one of the PenCott family of patterns….

  3. Johnny B says:

    Hyperstealth is preparing copyright infringement suit as we speak, as these patterns a) use the colors green, tan, brown, and white and b) attempt to disquise the wearer.