RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Support AmericanSnipers.org and Buy a Flask

A big supporter of the public service sector has produced 75 numbered, collectors flasks. All profits from the sale of these flasks will go to AmericanSnipers.org one they are all sold. If you’re interested visit the Supply Captain/ATS Tactical booth #7502 and pick one up. Having seen previous versions, I’d say you’d better go pick yours up on day 1.

The maker will also have unmarked flasks and really cool pouches. Click on the photo see it in greater detail.

Flask with a filling Funnel: $35
Price for Flask with Funnel & MC Litelok Flask Pouch: $50

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2 Responses to “Support AmericanSnipers.org and Buy a Flask”

  1. steve says:

    checked both ATS and captaIn and didn’t see it listed =(