FirstSpear TV


The JuggerBrake is a product of Juggernaut Tactical, makers of the Rogue Bullpup Stock for the M14/M1A. It is a dual purpose muzzle brake, designed for long range accuracy and Close Quarter Battle (CQB).

As you can see from this unfinished sample, the three spike Air-Blade design forces gases away from the ground reducing the muzzle blast signature as well as reducing recoil and muzzle climb. It also happens to be pretty nasty and can be used for glass breaching and raking in a pinch (beware blockages) or for CQB purposes.

The JuggerBrake is coming soon and will be available through US Tactical Supply.

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3 Responses to “JuggerBrake”

  1. Joe Schmoe says:

    Why is it that all these flash hiders seem to come from people who never walked in thick brush before. There’s a reason the M16 went from three-pronged to the current closed birdcage, the prongs have a habit of snagging on everything.

    We went from this:
    To this:

  2. 1600yd Reaper says:

    That is an awesome design……….I don’t think Joe schmoe has ever walked threw the brush either…….besides most of our conflicts are urban and Desert these days! I’m ordering one ASAP!!!!

    • jason says:

      Picky Picky Picky. This is for American Soil Gun owners. If survival comes my way I will survive. I hunt all the time with a bow and the arrow balancing quietly and stealthy on the arrow rest poking out the opposite dirrection and yielding three razor blades. That is hard to walk thru thick stuff, but i can do it. This complaint should not cause you to loose your life. It’s called using your brains and a little coordination and athletisicm. Hasn’t anyone learned that most of us spend money on this stuff with the likely hood none of us will ever defend ourselves legitimately nor have to get stealthy like a hunter. I will have one on my 6.8 SPC DD AR soon and i think i will be fine. It will be like walking thru the brush with a crow bar vs. a flimsy arrow. I will be KING!!. then i’m buying two…one for my AR G9mm build.