SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Sign Petition To Raise Awareness of Federal Prison Industries Contract Preferences

In recent years, manufacturers who employ law abiding citizens have lost significant market share because of unfair contracting preferences to labor performed by federally-incarcerated inmates through a government-run corporation known as Federal Prison Industries (FPI). As it pertains to the procurement of DOD clothing and textiles, FPI’s preference needs to be limited so as to provide more jobs and opportunities for the US domestic manufacturing base. And in some cases, this preferential treatment has resulted in the procurement of sub-standard helmets. While we believe FPI certainly has a legitimate function, it is also imperative that they are required to play by the same rules as their competition.

There is currently a petition at the White House to get the attention of President Obama. If you agree that FPI should lose its preferential status and have to openly compete, please help out by signing the online petition.

1) Go to The name of the petition is “Reform DOD Procurement Policies that Benefit Federal Inmates”.
2) You will have to register to sign teh petition. It is email based and simple. Activate your account by clicking on the link sent to your email (it may take a few minutes for the email to reach your inbox).
3) Change your password using the link provided.
4) Click the green button “Sign this petition”.

Thank you for your consideration.

One Response to “Sign Petition To Raise Awareness of Federal Prison Industries Contract Preferences”

  1. Brosideon says:

    I’m down. Domestic Jobs for Law Abiding Citizens and prevention of substandard gear (which may find it’s way onto my body) is a no-go.