
MATBOCK Takes the Moral High Ground

MATBOCK’s Backhand GPS carrier

Yesterday, something rare happened on SSD. A small manufacturer named MATBOCK LLC released the Backhand GPS carrier. A couple of readers recognized the item as a copy of the LBT GPS Palm Pouch.

LBT GPS Palm Pouch

Within hours, MATBOCK removed the item from their website, refunded those who had ordered the product and posted this statement in the discussion area of our website:


Thank you for coming forward and pointing this out. We at MATBOCK sincerely apologize for this situation. Our goal is to develop innovative gear and get it to the operators who need it. We had heard a piece of equipment like this existed but could turn up no evidence of it during a search before pushing forward to build it ourselves. As of today, we will no longer be producing or selling this product and will direct any attention for it over to LBT. Our sincerest apologies.


With that statement they took the moral high ground and set the bar pretty high. I’ve spent some time with the MATBOCK guys and I can tell you that they are very aware that the most important thing they have is their reputation. They could have gone ahead and built that product since in reality, it is a modification of an altimeter wrist carrier for skydiving. But they didn’t. They want to concentrate on products that nobody else builds.

I spoke with them after they made their decision and discussed the idea that it might be difficult to build products in the future based on this position. They understand and stand by their decision. I hope for their sake, that others play by their rules.

I have to say, that while I’m no fan of copying, having several companies build similar products is healthy for the market and great for the consumer. A little competition drives innovation, ensures quality and helps control prices. It’s important that my readers know that LBT didn’t let out a peep about this. They didn’t say word one about the MATBOCK product.

In the end, I wonder if the readers who said it was a copy knew that there were altimeter carriers that pre-dated both pouches. And I wonder if they knew that these have built in rigger sheds for years. I’m guessing they didn’t. If they did, they probably wouldn’t have said anything.

It’s a tough time to be starting out in the tactical business but I think these guys are going to make it. They’ve got a great attitude and while their product line is small, they deserve your business if their wares meet your needs.


10 Responses to “MATBOCK Takes the Moral High Ground”

  1. majrod says:

    MATBOCK made a mistake. The could have acknowledged LBT’s lead and still presented their solution. Sure they took the high ground but like you said it’s going to be hard to do things that no one else has done and meet payroll. I wish them the best. It was a class move. Others will not hold the same standard.

    Readers should be careful with their language. When they say a company copied another they don’t know the inner workings of what happened and folks that have a deep level of integrity are going to react because many would rather be broke than have no honor. I wonder how many of those readers copied some one else’s kit because it worked or was “cool”.

  2. e.samedi says:

    I don’t at all agree with what MATBOCK did and that this somehow represents the “high ground”. On the contrary this violates our system of free enterprise which is based competition and innovation. One person has idea, another borrows and improves it, another then borrows and improves that, and so on. This is how consumers benefit.

    I dislike the new sense of entitlement displayed by many tactical gear manufacturers. You want my business? Make the best products and continually innovate and improve them, don’t run to the government and lawyers to protect your “IP”.

  3. Riceball says:

    I congratulate MATBOCK for taking the high ground and wanting to focus on unique gear but, as has been pointed out previously, it’s going to be very difficult and I wonder how far will they take this concept; after all just how many pieces of unique equipment/gear can really be created and still pay the bills. Because going by a pretty strict interpretation of their mission statement that means that they can’t develop a better plate carrier, better mag pouch, better rifle sling, etc. because none of those would be unique or original.

  4. Doug E Doug says:

    Haters gonna hate. Matbock will certainly have a new customer from me, as I have a soft spot for good intentions. That said, they should continue the product and just make it the best goddamn gps palm carrier to ever grace this planet!!!! Raawwwr!!!

  5. V says:

    I know one of the guys with MATBOCK personally and I will add…
    I understand the reasoning. I don’t think they want to start out doing the same things everyone else is doing.
    They will innovate and it might result in a better mousetrap, but undoubtedably, it will push the envelope in a new, original way. Take their IZLID pouch, simple design and it works. It hasn’t been done before, etc.
    As for barriers to entry due to an oversaturated market, look at companies like S&S…who who have thought you could do a plate carrier with out sewn seams and such a minimalist approach, but they did and it works. You don’t know, we you don’t know and the same applies to the design process. It doesn’t exist until someone has an idea, trys it, refines it, and proves it works.
    I really believe they’ll be fine in taking this approach and I wish it was more common in this industry. I really believe that integrity might take a longer road, but it will still get you there as a staying power, just might take some time.

  6. Lasse says:

    Class act.

  7. JC says:

    Henry Ford just rolled in his grave a little.

  8. ZMarrs says:

    Personally I believe Matbock made a mistake by pulling their version. LBT is a fine company but in no way held the monopoly on the concept of a hand mount. I’ve worn my Fortrex like this for years. Look how many companies make identical magazine pouches or almost identical plate carriers. Similarity does not equal copying or theft. It marks a good concept.

    That being said, Matbock did what they believe to be the proper upright thing (or they figured out a clever publicity ploy). Either way, it worked in their favor, because I promise I’ll be supporting their line with purchases.

  9. FLC says:

    Indeed A class act. Nice to see this type of Behavior.
    There is a maximum effective range to this type of business. Too bad but True. Everything can be improved! Matbock did.
    Freefall altimeters have been carried this way for more than 20 years.
    Who did it First? Maybe not LBT.
    Folks like to cry foul.. but in this case, I see none.

  10. jrexilius says:

    e.samedi is correct. Make a good product that meets a need and sell it to people. It’s that simple. Our free market system has gotten more and more socialist leaning. Do people think we’d all be better off if no one made another AR variant because Browning made one first?