Protact by Haartz

Posts Tagged ‘MATBOCK LLC’

MATBOCK Monday – Reaper Hunting Vest

Monday, December 25th, 2017

Hunting Harness_2_600x600

MATBOCK and Reaper Outdoors are proud to announce the release of the Reaper Hunting Vest. Designed for the hunting enthusiast, it includes a Rhodesian style chest rig, main hunt pouch with integrated hand warmer, a large multi-purpose pouch, ideal for a small puffy layer, a small multi-purpose pouch for smaller items, a shear pouch, a thermacell pouch, and a dip can pouch. All of the pouches and chest rig are made with MATBOCK’s ghost and ghost lite materials and attach via their patent pending TAB system to make the system ultra lightweight, waterproof, and durable. The Hunt Vest Kit is available now in MultiCam and can be purchased as an entire kit or each part individually.

Kit Includes the following:
Rhodesian style chest rig
Main hunt pouch with integrated hand warmer
Large multi-purpose pouch
Small multi-purpose pouch
Shear pouch
Thermacell pouch
Dip can pouch

SHOT Show 17 – MATBOCK Ghost TAB

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

For decades, MOLLE/PALS has been the industry standard for attaching pouches and accessories to your plate carriers and belts. While others have tried to improve this system, they generally add pieces, parts and ultimately weight and bulk. MATBOCK is stoked to introduce the Ghost TABs (Jokingly stands for Tactical Advantage Bite System). The Ghost TABs not only lower the profile of your pouches and accessories, it also significantly decreases the time spent on modifying your carrier or belt.

 The TABS are cut directly into the backing of the pouches (single, double, triple mag, M60 pouch, admin pouch, and backdraft med pouch) and attach quickly and effectively to the either laser cut MOLLE systems or traditional MOLLE systems. This has all been done without adding useless pieces and parts. Coupled with MATBOCK Ghost fabric and carriers, these systems decrease weight and volume for the operator. Lastly, Ghost Tabs are patent pending.

Please allow 6-8 weeks new pouches to ship. Available at

Warrior East – MATBOCK Introduces MR Dry

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

Like all of their products, the new MR Dry from MATBOCK was designed based on their operational requirements as active duty SEALs.  Like the name implies, the MR Dry is a cooperative development with Mystery Ranch that transforms a MR Tri-Zip 3-Day Pack into a truly wearable, yet accessible, fully waterproof bag. It’s design by MATBOCK, Load Carriage by Mystery Ranch and Waterproof by Drift Dry.


The exterior incorporates a new Mystery Ranch yoke that combines mesh and venilated padding to shorten drying time. This yoke can be removed just like on any other MR pack and installed on the 3-Day Pack that is suspended inside the waterproof shell. Everything is fully removable but when zipped up tight, it’s fully waterproof and even incorprates a oral inflation valve.


You may notice Orange piping on the waterproof shell, but that’s to designate a prototype. Production models will be available in all Black, Grey and MultiCam. Final prototypes are coming next week and you’ll be able to order the MR Dry by August.

Warrior West – MATBOCK R-LIFT

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014


The new MATBOCK Rigid Lightweight Integrated Field Transport carrier is now ready for prime time. During SOMA we gave you a sneak peek and this is the final version. It can be worn by a medic alone or integrated with other great.

The combat carbon fiber poles are common to four MATBOCK products:
Combat Carbon Ladder
Coupler (more on this soon)

Help Us Celebrate Our 10,000th Post! – Prizes Added

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

10,000 Posts!

UPDATED – We’ve reached 10,000 posts and to help us celebrate, 10 of you lucky SSD readers will win a Tarsier Eclipse generously donated by our friends at MATBOCK, LLC. Another 10 will win t-shirts from Beyond.

Wolf Grey Beenie from MATBOCK

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013


MATBOCK is offering Wolf Grey fleece beanies and they will donate 10% of your total order amount to One Team One Fight to support the families of the warriors who have given their lives for our freedom.


Thursday, August 8th, 2013

2013 MATBOCK Catalog by solsys

Warrior Expo – MATBOCK

Thursday, July 11th, 2013


The Tarsier Eclipse from MATBOCK is an easily adjustable, add-on lens for night vision systems that provides the ability to see objects at all distances without adjusting focus on the NVG tubes themselves. Back in December MATBOCK shared this new technology with us. At the time, they were a few weeks away from going live; but they just weren’t 100% satisfied with that final prototypes so they went back and redesigned their product. Now, they are satisfied with its performance and are ready to release the product.

Below is the data that Matbock collected back in November using PVS-14’s and a 5.0 megapixel point and shoot camera.

Test #1:
Urban area with a lot of lights surrounding us. The 1st picture we focused the Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) onto the corner of the house in the distance. In the 2nd picture we kept the focus at the corner of the building but then started to engage the Tarsier Eclipse, immediately the person started to come into focus.



Test #2:
Dashboards or lighted panels are a huge problem for NVGs without using the Tarsier Eclipse. In picture 1 we focused on the gazebo (maybe 150-200 yards away), and you will notice how the panel becomes “washed out” from the NVGs. In picture 2, we kept the focus on the gazebo and started to engage the Tarsier Eclipse, while you cant read the numbers or letters on the buttons you can distinguish that there are actually buttons now.

3)Test#2_Pic1_NVG Only

4)Test#2_Pic2_Tarsier Eclipse engaged

Test #3:
Rural area that had some background lights, but no direct lighting. Picture 1 we focused the goggles to the person in the distance. In picture 2 we focused the goggles on near person. Picture 3 we focused back on the person in the distance and then started to engage the Tarsier Eclipse, which allowed both objects to remain in focus for the current lighting conditions.

5)Test#3_NVG Focused on far object

6)Test#3_NVG Focused on near object

7)Test#3_Eclipse Engaged

The Tarsier Eclipse is designed to fit the following models:
AN/PVS-7, AN/PVS-7B/D, ANVIS-9, AN/PVS-14, NEPVS-14, AN/PVS-15, AN/PVS-18, BNVD, BNVD-G, AN/PVS-23 (F5050YG), and M944 Pocket Scope.