Protact by Haartz

Intelligent Armour UKSF Helmet Cover

Intelligent Armour was approached by UKSF to develop a cover for the MICH helmet equipped with an Ops-Core VAS Shroud and Ops-Core ARC Rails. What they came up with looks fairly familiar. It is manufactured from a 2-Way stretch fabric and MultiCam mesh sides with printed Velcro loop on the top and rear.

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40 Responses to “Intelligent Armour UKSF Helmet Cover”

  1. Rubbish says:

    I love the way everything from this company is UKSF something! Nothing like selling out your own SF!

    I know for a fact this cover is not in use by any UK SF and the only reason its in the title is to sell to airsofters..

    And the only innovation is a straight copy of Crye!

    • ODG says:

      Thats not a copy of a crye cover that’s a copy of the Orion Design Group, Firstspear Hybrid cover.

    • You don’t work for another tactical kit company in the UK do you by any chance?

      UKSF ordered them and worked on the design. Fact.

      I don’t have to justify IA or our clients requests on SSD. That said, if you want to call me tomorrow I can invite you to a meeting with the endusers.

  2. somthingfunny says:

    Why does it need to have the nanosphear tech ? are these helmets not waterproof already ?
    I can understand possibly the need for the strech fabric to help it conform to the irregular shape so why then use some mesh aswell ?
    seems overly complicated to me.

    • Alex says:

      Mesh weighs less than fabric. (Correct me if I am wrong.)
      If it wasn’t waterproof, the fabric would absorb the the water, and the retained water would increase the weight of the helmet.

      This is just speculation on my part, and such minimal weight savings may seem trite, but that’s special forces for you.

      Oh ya, and it looks cool.

  3. Because it’s what the client requested and because it’s very cool 🙂

    • ODG says:

      I was was wondering how long it would take before someone started ripping off my design. Great work guys! WAY to be original, Way to innovate! lets see if you have as much integrity as MATBOK!

      • I have not seen your design. We were lead by drawings given to us by UKSF and went over the design and the materials that could be used with them.

        If you have a helmet cover that is as good, then I do not know why they are not buying from you…

  4. JC says:

    You guys should go study economics and learn about competition in the open market.

    (In accordance with new SSD directives I am required to insert a smiley face after this comment in order to ameliorate the propensity for a flame war to erupt.)


    • ODG says:

      Let me clarify something, we are not adverse to competition, and I have been running my own small business for 7 years as a consultant and free lance designer so I don’t need any lessons on economics. Innovation and creativity in the design process to improve the the durability, function, and versatility of a product is healthy competition period! A direct copy of a competitors product so you can leech off their creativity is what I call a “parasitic product” and is terrible business.

      • Guerrilla says:

        ODG, it seems that everything is a copy of your design. WTF?

        • ODG, get a grip. This is NOT a copy of your product. Period.
          Further to that, Your website does not work and the only photos of your helmet cover are on this website.

          As I have said before, we worked of drawings (provided by our client) and meeting with our client.

          • ODG says:

            @IA you’re right it’s not a direct copy of ours, Ours is much more functional, its a direct copy of first spear’s hybrid cover. Which we co-designed with them 10 months ago. Anyone who has been reading this website for more than 10 minutes knows that. Also our website is not broken it’s under construction and will launch this summer. Furthermore if your design team just whips up a “Clients” sketch as you say without doing a search to see if a similar product exists thats a reflection of your aptitude, if they did a search and still built the product its a reflection of your integrity so which is it?

        • ODG says:

          Not sure what you are referring to, however rest assured we are not in the business of taking credit for designs/co-designs that are not ours.

          • Riceball says:

            Not saying that IA did or did not copy but it is entirely possible that IA’s design is simply a case of parallel evolution, so to speak, or great minds think alike. Isn’t it possible that this could have been developed independently of your {ODG] design and that they happened to come up with the same solution to the same problem?

      • JC says:

        You didn’t get the smiley then? Nevermind. In another 7 years maybe you’ll have designed a sense of humour in multicam.

  5. Pilgrim says:

    So who exactly ordered this within UK SF Mr Intellegent Armour? Did it go to solicitation? No… Because your lying! or did you just use the name in vain so you could copy an ODG helmet cover?

    Don’t support thieves people… Because that’s what’s stealing a design is!

    • Feel free to pop in and see me Pilgrim. You might be educated, bucause I’m sure not going to write details on SSD.

      • Pilgrim says:

        You do not have a contract to supply anything to our unit, and never will do if you insist on selling out your ‘clients’

        So no… i’d rather not!

      • JC says:

        Wow it’s a good job this is the super secret squirrel Internet as there is a libel law suit sitting right there in that comment.

      • Pilgrim says:

        No thank your wannabe. I’ll just do my job here and make sure you don’t sell this to the people you “name” it after. I.e (us).

        Enjoy using the name

  6. Black6ID says:

    Hmmmm that does look fairly familiar. Well I guess the guy that invented the intercontinental ballistic missile can’t blame others for wanting to build one too.

  7. JC says:

    As a designer of 20 years I find all this talk of copied designs that seems to prevail on SSD quite ridiculous. It smells of insecurity and fear. If you really think your product is innovating then go apply for a patent. Otherwise shut up about the sanctity of your amazing cordura and Velcro creations. Be competitive instead. Sell more units of a better product at a more competitive price. That’s a better business model than bitching about why your company failed to your buddies in the bar.

    • ODG says:

      LMFAO!! So for a harbinger of peace with your little smiley faces earlier, you sure did get nasty quick. Is this the part where we start measuring dicks Mr. 20 year designer? Sorry I don’t have as much design experience as you, I was busy fighting the war on terror.

      Insecure you say? Fearful you say? Not a chance. We are growing steadily and quickly, I attribute our growth to founding the company on principles and ethics which you obviously do not possess, since you seem to think IP thievery is spelled “C-A-P-I-T-A-L-I-S-M”.

      *NEWS FALSH* IP is still IP even if there is no patent attached. At Orion Design Group we will NEVER compromise our ethics to make a profit. We will continue to operate from a foundation of Integrity with our team of industry leading manufacturers that share our values, to provide cutting edge relevant equipment for our customers.

      • JC says:

        News Falsh?? Nice

      • JC says:

        But in all seriousness I am neither guilty of nor do I condone IP theft. I’ve just been around the block a few times to recognise what’s going on here. Do I get annoyed and/or frustrated when another designer produces a product similar to mine. Hell yes. Do I accuse them directly of IP theft. Hell no. Because 99% of the time it’s just not true. It’s just exactly as I described it. Similar.

        If you are absolutely convinced that your IP has been stolen then you should take legal action. Get a lawyer on the phone and for a few hundred bucks you can have a cease and desist letter fired off. But good luck. The world of copyright and IP is murky. If you are not protected by patents then you pretty much have no legs upon which to stand.

        And you know what … Given the current US economy and the exchange rate your product is probably more competitively priced in the UK even with duties and shipping.

        So like I said, sell more of a better product for a better price and economics will be on your side.

        (I’m going to a add another smiley at the bottom here to stop you talking about your penis again.)


  8. MarkG says:

    Looks a lot like the First Spear / ODG cover.

  9. MacM says:

    Way to stay at the forefront of the design power curve IA… this doesn’t look suspiciously like another helmet cover that hit this site nearly a year ago. Nope, not at all…

  10. ODG, with all due respect the only place you products exist on the internet is on this website. Nothing at all has been stolen from you.

    I would suggest that if you have a problem, rather than gobbing off on here, that you take legal action if you feel so strongly that we have stolen your design. Either you do or do not have a case…

    • Bobbydavro says:

      Correct me if I’m wrong but do first spear make a mich/ach cover and could you use a fast cover on any non nvg helmet??? If you leave a gap it will be filled as for some of the rants on here, anyone feeling a little insecure??? Lol there is always room for improvement in anything it’s called evolution.

  11. TCBA_Joe says:

    All purse swinging aside, does anyone (ODG, IA, First Spear, Crye, etc…) make one of these HSLD helmet covers for TC2001 helmets?

  12. MacM says:

    @ IA- Check the link chief… I would think you may want to reconsider your product offering based on the fact that a significantly more respected company launched a nearly identical product almost a year ago. Unlike Chinese airsoft companies you don’t have the luxery of hiding in the weeds in this industry. I’m not sure if you made it to SHOT show but every SF team that saw the hybrid cover wants it on their helmets. Your product is in no way an original design and I would estimate that you and your knock off are already lighting up Firstspear’s radar. If in fact you didn’t simply copy an existing helmet cover, your design team should have used a tool the rest of the world calls Google and taken 5 minutes to search for helmet covers already in production. You won’t be fighting ODG on this one, you’ll be fighting one of the largest and most respected manufaturers of equipment for SF teams… Good luck. productid=17628&cat=268&page=1

  13. JC says:

    Interesting link to a nice product. But as I see it the ODG/FS cover is designed for OpsCore FAST helmets while the IA one is designed for MICH/ACH helmets.

    Are they similar in design? Apparently yes. Are they identical copies? Evidently not.

    This whole argument could be ameliorated by IA agreeing not to manufacture or sell a variant for the OpsCore helmet. And in return ODG/FS to agree not to manufacture or sell a variant for the MICH/ACH.

    There … I just saved you both $10k in lawyers fees.

  14. Yozz says:

    My god guys hand bags at the ready! Calm TFD, some here really need to keep on the pills!

    BMW make cars, so do citroen – doesnt make them the same! Has anyone done a side by side comparison of BOTH products rather than JUST picture comparison? – looks like JC has said it best with IA’s design made for Mich style (and clear from the picture given by the way) and OP’s for ‘Ops-Core style’, so the same tasking, for different application.

    Helmet covers per se have been around for centuries, okay, materials and purposes may have altered over time but they are still a cover which goes over a helmet to provide concealment, protection or some other form or function not mentioned.

    And I’m sure if UK SF asked for this and I have no reason to doubt IA’s word on this it would suggest that what they wanted wasn’t readily available in the market place already, knowing that they have the power to go out into the market and procure what they want (practically). Also if they don’t go to an existing maker it suggest they have supreme confidence in IA’s ability to deliver the spec/time/price etc or don’t trust or know the other makers enough.

    Good luck IA keeping it real & keeping it British!

    • Pilgrim says:

      Absolute Bullshit.. love to see a check on who posted the above.
      UK SF (or UKSF helmet cover, dump pouch..etc.etc) do not condone the ripping off of innovation.
      IA do not supply UK SF outside individual purchases the can not be controlled and never have nor will.

      • A.N.OTHER.PILGRIM says:

        Sounds like Pilgrim has a lot to say for himself. I’m thinking that maybe Prilgrim works for a competitor of IA!

        If, Pilgrim you are representing UKSF, why then did you guys not come down on Blackhawk over the UKSF Knife.

        And, as for innovation; there is very little innovation in the market; one soft shell looks like the next; because its a soft shell; not because someone coppied it. You will be accusing people of not being innovative when making a Mag pouch next!

        Keep sitting on your sandbag 🙂

  15. Hatebreeder says:

    wont expect anything less from the brits and there holly attiude