AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

PEO Soldier Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Last Friday, PEO Soldier celebrated its 10th Anniversary as a dedication to the Soldier and a reminder of the commitment of the critical role they play to bring the best equipment to the Soldier. As part of the celebration, former PEOs were on hand including BG (Ret) James R. Moran, MG Peter N. Fuller, and MG Camille M. Nichols as well as the newly appointed PEO BG Paul A. Ostrowski. Unfortunately, MG R. Mark Brown was unable to attend due to his current deployment, but sent his warmest wishes via a video presentation. Friday also marked the PEO Soldier change of charter between MG Nichols and BG Ostrowski.

They also took this opportunity to unveil their new logo (seen above), designed by MAJ Joel Dillo. In an Army press release, MAJ Dillon commented, “I wanted to represent the Soldier of course, because that’s what PEO Soldier is all about. The logo itself includes the silhouettes of three Soldiers on patrol, backed by an American flag. I also wanted to make sure the name Program Executive Office Soldier was bold and visible. I just wanted to make sure it was something that was easily recognizable and clearly focused on Soldiers, because that’s what we focus on; an enduring type of legacy.”

Photo – US Army


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