RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Win a Pair of Combat Flip Flops Every Week

In preparation for the delivery of the first run of Combat Flip Flops, they’re offering CFF Facebook Fans the ability to win flops from this initial run. Here’s how to win:

1) Click this link to buy CFF Stickers. Buy one. Buy five. Buy as many as you want. Stickers will be free to service members serving abroad with delivery to an APO address. Servicemembers use coupon code APOSTICKER at checkout.


2) Upon receipt of stickers, tag and photograph something that embodies the motto, “Bad for Running, Worse for Fighting.”

3) Post your photo on the CFF Facebook page by 1800 PST every Sunday. The photo with the most votes by the following Friday at 1800 PST wins a set of Combat Flip Flops from the first run.

Fine Print: You or your friends must “like” them on Facebook to count as an entry or a vote. Please refrain from posting anything with nudity, graphic violence, or anything you wouldn’t want your mom to see or destructive to somebody else’s property.


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