GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

BetaBrand DiscoLab

So I’m at the MCX perusing the magazines and the latest issue of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine has an interview with Brandon Webb so I pick it up. I get home and start flipping through and low and behold there is a full page ad for Betabrand featuring a guy wearing a hoodie made out of a disco ball kissing a disco ball. Seriously. This was one of the greatest “WTF?” moments of my life. I am still not sure what is going on.

I went to the website and found the “DiscoLab” section and this gem of a photo. I wonder how long it will be until we see these on our local range.

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10 Responses to “BetaBrand DiscoLab”

  1. chris says:

    Ahhhh! That was evil! EVIL! I’m scarred for at least the next five minutes.

  2. Brendan says:

    BetaBrand makes really nice clothing besides their weird (but strangely endearing) disco stuff. There is a great video of a guy in a full disco suit wearing a unicorn mask shooting an AK as well. I for one have no problems with hipsters getting into guns. The more gun owners from all walks of life the better.

    • Jordan says:

      Awesome! That video you’re referring to is of my buddy right before we blew up a five pound tub of tannerite out in the Nevada desert. I was the one filming it. Not sure why the explosion didn’t make it in, since it was pretty epic.

  3. Steve says:

    I’m sure that can be classified as a range safety violation waiting to happen.

  4. John says:

    The flip flops are a nice touch too.

  5. James says:

    Hot brass and flops? What a great combo… not to mention no eye protection… and for all we know he could be hunting golden retriever puppies? LOL!

  6. Andrew says:

    I could use a few pairs of the sweat dress pants. Best of both worlds.

  7. Justin says:

    Well considering that we are all talking about (or thinking about) Beta Brand..the ad is a success. I wonder what they will follow up with..

  8. Jordan says:

    Another example of the betabrand/shooting phenomenon