RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

The Redeeming Side of BetaBrand

So we’ve talked about the BetaBrand DiscoLab pants, but they also are responsible for creating the DARPA Hoody.

Inspired by technology developed for the Programmable Matter undertaking, a computer program helped BetaBrand figure out how to make the most of raw materials to produce the Hoody. Not only did it determine patterning shapes based on how it would drape on the human form but the program also laid out the pieces to maximize yield and minimize waste. Warning military guys…it’s made from Hemp and most sizes are sold out. Maybe they’d make a run in something tacticool.


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One Response to “The Redeeming Side of BetaBrand”

  1. Deadeye says:

    ….let me know when they make one in crocodile. Or grey/”wolf”.