Wilcox BOSS Xe

WAR Tape

How can you not be interested in a product called WAR tape? Austere Provisions Company sent us a couple of rolls of WAR tape a few weeks ago out of the blue. When I asked them where it came from they came back with this reply, “The tape was something that a friend of mine showed me while attending a class. He had met one of the owners and they had given him a handful of rolls and he hooked me up with a roll. Fairly high quality and I liked the logo considering it was a reminder of what many are training and preparing themselves for war-combat. I think it functions well for medical tape for both bandaging, wrapping knuckles and wear points on hands and such as well as impromptu gear repair.”

So WAR tape is an MMA product of WAR Worldwide but you can get yours from www.austereprovisions.com and support a great company that supports our community.

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