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New Staff Isn’t The Only Thing Happening at Magpul Dynamics

Over the past months Magpul Dynamics has added new personnel including Director Duane Liptak Jr and Jon Canipe to join their excellent existing staff. But, that’s not all they have going on. In addition to an updated curriculum, they are also working to close out the popular “Art of” series.

According to the Magpul Dynamics Facebook page, “We will most likely release all remaining material from the “Art of” series in a boxed set/update. That will clear out the vaults and put a close to that chapter of Magpul Training. If you want more of what this series is/was, then this will be everything that hasn’t seen the light of day. What you see in the “Art of” is not what we are currently doing, but that isn’t to say that there isn’t material of value in the “Art of”– we are, however, doing this to be able to move forward.

The next material from us will most likely not be in DVD format…the “Art of” changed what a training DVD was, and the next step will be more revolutionary than evolutionary as well. The next step is in the works currently.”

In the meantime, I’d suggest that you look into some hands on training with Magpul Dynamics.



3 Responses to “New Staff Isn’t The Only Thing Happening at Magpul Dynamics”

  1. straps says:

    Jeez, this will be the “BHD” of my training library–I have the first ones, the Vol II Blu Ray re-releases and will probably jump on the “From the Vaults” collection.

    I believe absolutely in live training, but the “Art of…” disks are great for sustainment as well as tips on diagnostics and the DELIVERY of training.

    And though the “Art of…”maintains only the most tenuous connection to the military doctrine it takes to the next level, some of the chapters are PERFECT for Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction in a classroom setting.

  2. Ishootmorethensteelandpaper says:

    I could not stand these videos in the past. Now that they have Canipe…I’m sure to be a fan.

  3. Mohican says:

    Good to know they will go on working in the training stuff.

    Maybe next step will be watching online as with Panteao Productions DVDs.

    I would like very much to watch Steve Fisher in a full DVD. I really think he has a lot to teach, maybe most of the stuff wouldn’t be new but explained from a different point of view.