RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

I’m Posting This Because It’s For A Good Cause

Recently, Navy SEAL Veteran Chris Kyle visited the set of ‘Sons of Guns’ to demonstrate the H&K MR556 and to help specify the customization of one to be auctioned off for his charity FITCO Cares “Heroes Project”.


The H&K MR556 was customized by Red Jacket Firearms with the following-

Surefire Flashlight with remote “momentary-on” pressure tapeswitch $595.00
Tangodown Quick detach vertical foregrip $100.00
Eotech Tan EXPS Holographic Site $450.00
Eotech Flip to side Magnifier $550.00
LDI DBAL Laser sight $1000.00
Magpul CTR Stock $100.00
Magpul Sights $100.00
Guissele SSA trigger $180.00
2 x Magpul 30 round magazines $50.00

The auction runs through September 28th. Go to GunBroker.com to register and make your bid on this one of a kind weapon. You’d better bring your checkbook. It’s already up to $15,000.

This is for charity folks so I expect that level of respect on this one. I really like what FITCO Cares is doing. Check them out at www.fitcocares.org.

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6 Responses to “I’m Posting This Because It’s For A Good Cause”

  1. Squid says:

    That laser’s gonna be real useful pointing backwards like that ~ Neva been dun before!!

  2. ‘In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King’…..

  3. Dillinger says:

    Anytime I see any articles about anything to do with the HK556a1
    I have to chime in. I have used AR platform weapons for fun and for business
    for 19 years and I have to say the HK416/556a1 is by far the best gun money can buy and is not only the best it is way in front of anything else on the market. I will say the LWRC M6-ic is a great gun and LMT and Knights is right there with there guns but you can not put a price on the 556a1