
MDM – FirstSpear Name That Product Contest

What’s a tradeshow without a contest?


This little gem is coolest thing I have seen all week. FirstSpear has been working for the past few months on a Mk32 Speedloader. As you can see, it takes six 40mm rounds, but, it also gives you added torque via the knob on the rear to wind the cylinders before putting the Mk32 into action. Its really going to streamline how quickly a gunner can get his launcher back into the fight. You insert the loader, twist to cock the cylinder, back it off to drop the rounds and your ready to rock. Every gunner should have four of these.


The advent of this Speed Loader means that only FirstSpear is offering a total accessory solution for the Mk32 40mm grenade launcher. Earlier this summer they introduced the Punisher Pack as well as the 6-pack for individual rounds. And, they’ve also completed a carrier for this new Speed Loader.

Now, we come to the contest part. FirstSpear wants your help in naming this bad boy. From now, until the close of Modern Day Marine on 27 Sep, 2012 give them your suggested name in the remarks section of THIS post on SSD. No other entries will be accepted.

The winner will be chosen by FirstSpear on Monday 1 October and the winner will be contacted via email so it’s imperative that you use your valid email address. You can use any alias you want but the email must be valid to win. Each post will be approved so don’t double tap it if it doesn’t show right up. In the event the winning name is suggested more than once, the first post will be he winner. Void where prohibited.

The winning name will receive an Exigent Circumstance Pack pack from FirstSpear so be prepared to give them an address in the event you win.

Be sure to stop by Renegade Armor’s booth #3340, at Modern Day Marine to check out the new Mk32 Speed Loader as well as Renegade’s and FirstSpear‘s line of armor and accessories.

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214 Responses to “MDM – FirstSpear Name That Product Contest”

  1. Alex says:

    “40 Rack” 10 more mm of kick ass than a 30 rack.

  2. Tyler says:


  3. T says:

    The Pouch O’ Whoopass!

  4. MED says:


  5. Rob D says:

    “Centurion Sixer”

  6. Don says:

    P.O.D. (Pack of Death)

  7. Tyler says:


  8. Trevor says:

    Speed Six

  9. dan says:

    Mighty Mike

  10. Emm says:

    Six Booter.

  11. Matt says:

    ‘Dead-Drop Delivery System’ – DDS
    ‘GOODmate’ – GetOutOfDodgeMate

  12. Tim Ellwood says:

    6FS or the six for sure

  13. Brayden says:

    Six Twist Forty. ( 6.T.40 )

  14. Jacob says:

    The Monocot.

  15. Lordjoker1776 says:

    TGBF, “the grenadier’s best friend”

  16. Ryan says:

    According to the Navajo Code talkers guide I looked at, “nimasi” was used for grenade, and “ca-yeilth” for quiver, so however that would go together in Navajo to make grenade quiver would be a uniquely American homage. Also, “mixiquipilli” is the what the Aztecs called the storage pouch for their atlatl darts. In Latin, the quiver was called “Phaetra”. So if your looking to use historical reference for the name, those are some choices.

  17. Eric B says:

    The six-pack of Doom

  18. DevilSgt says:


  19. Joe says:

    The Ragnarok Attack

  20. LauraB says:

    Keeping the 6 in mind…and the SL for speed loader…

    Needs to be short, sweet, and a name easily bandied about by those who use `em. (And, it is pretty damn “slick”, too.)

  21. DevilSgt says:

    Straight to the point… “Maximus”

  22. Eric R. says:


  23. Alex says:


    Six Fix

  24. Paul says:

    Rapid Engagement Loader, Denial Reservoir – or R.E.L.O.D.R

  25. dan says:

    my second name would be “The Six Pack”

  26. ronin says:

    the lobber

  27. Tyler says:

    “Kokerboom” is a term for the Quiver Tree of South Africa. It gets its name from it’s traditional use- to make arrow quivers. Not only does this 40mm speed loader act as a modern iteration of the quiver, but the term “Kokerboom” phonetically suits its purpose while sounding pretty bad ass.

  28. FLC says:


  29. Mike D says:

    I would have to go with “The Six Pack”, simple yet awesome name!

  30. JC says:

    Ragnarök – From Norse mythololgy meaning “Doom of the Gods”

  31. Hugo says:

    death dogs´ reloader (DDR-40)

  32. SOGWarrior says:

    the H.A.V.O.C. (don’t have the acronym worked out) but the definition
    [havoc – verb, hav·ocked, hav·ock·ing. noun. 1. great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage)

  33. scott taylor says:

    240 Mike Mike

  34. The HAMN (Holds All My ‘Nades).

  35. Scorpy says:


    (or: SixFOD = 6 Fingers of Death!)

  36. John says:

    The “BRANDY PACK” – Thought of the “brandy/whiskey” barrel under a St. Bernards neck. I mean who doesn’t like 40mm and hard liquor? ;D

  37. Vaughn Johnson says:

    Fist of God

  38. norbis says:

    The “Doc Holiday” nuff said.

  39. Reseremb says:

    To keep with the Roman Legion names… “Onager”, for the ancient siege weapon.

  40. AJ says:

    Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer)
    6 Degrees of Devastation

  41. AJ says:

    or a take on a certain single action pistol, the Hellmaker.

  42. Jason J says:

    Six Pack Of Death (S.P.O.D.)

  43. Jason says:

    This thing’s got — BALLS — if you ask me, “Bad Ass Lightweight Loader System.”

    And don’t forget to complete your carrier system with a BALLS sac. Otherwise you’re just with shooting blanks.

  44. SOGWarrior says:

    the C.A.R.N.A.G.E
    C arrier
    A rtillery
    R eloader
    Non – Admin
    G renade
    E mployment

  45. rob says:

    Nebelwerfer, cause it pretty much looks like one without wheels,

  46. Mark says:


  47. Defender452 says:

    Venom or Rattler

  48. None says:

    HOTEL 23

    It is your best friend in the next zombie apocalypse.

    H andy
    O bscenely
    T actically
    E nhanced
    L oader