TYR Tactical

SSD Exclusive – Inforce APL Spec Sheet

Here is the lowdown on the new Auto Pistol Light from INFORCE. You’re looking at 200 lumens for 1.5 hours with a single CR123A battery. Available late October.

Inforce APL Fact Sheet


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7 Responses to “SSD Exclusive – Inforce APL Spec Sheet”

  1. TCBA_Joe says:

    Looks nice. I’m assuming it will price good too.

    Inforce, how about a white/IR varient for those of use planning on running CTC IR laser grips?

  2. sjl777 says:

    Will it fit in TLR/M3/M6 sized holsters or wil we have to wait to see which holster companies will make gear for it?

  3. Ryan says:

    As soon as one of these comes out in IR/White I will be on it like a fat kid to cake.