GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Team Wendy Cam-Fit Retention System

Team Wendy has released the new Cam-Fit Retention System as a stand alone product. Designed to fit any MICH style helmet with standard 4-point retention holes a USMC LWH compatible compatible version is coming soon.


The Cam-Ft features the following highlights:
· Boa Closure System technology allowing easy, repeatable and secure tensioning
· Aircraft grade stainless steel lacing for superior durability
· Ultrasuede chincup
· Cam-lock sliders for easy, one-handed adjustment
· No Loose ends or hanging straps
· Compliant with the ACH and ECH Static Pull Strength Requirements


The key to this chinstrap is the Boa fit system which you may recognize from your ski boots. Team Wendy has already successfully integrated it into their new EXFIL bump helmet. I have to tell you that I love it. It offers fine adjustment and tightened up enough that my 8 year old could wear the EXFIL so folks with smaller heads will have no problems with the Cam-Fit Retention System. You twist it clockwise to tighten and pull outward to release tension.

Available now in Black and Coyote. One size fits almost everyone.



12 Responses to “Team Wendy Cam-Fit Retention System”

  1. Andrew says:

    It says its for helmets with the MICH pattern harness holes, but it is shown on a Crye Airframe. If it does work on the Airframe (which it most likely does given the pictures above) this is a pretty big deal. Now the Airframe might possibly give the FAST a run for its money in the NVG stability category. The lack of OCC dial like suspension system for the Airframe is what was keeping me away from it to begin with… Definitely interested to see how well the system works.

    • Joe says:

      MICH 2000, 2002, FAST Ballistic, FAST Carbon, FAST Bump, Air Frame, and many other helmets today uses the same chin strap hole placement.

  2. mike says:

    It works like a champ. I have a Team Wendy EXFIL, their carbon helmet that introduced this system. I have a giant head. My helmet fits me and it also fits my girlfriend who is is probably a small or medium helmet. We passed the helmet around the shop (we had them on hand a few months before the official release) and it fit everyone who tried it on; our Pro Shop staff varies pretty widely in size.

    This system beats the pants off the OCCDIAL. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the FAST Ballistic is a charm helmet, but the OCCDIAL is the biggest obstacle to comfort for those who don’t like it. The BOA is worth its weight in gold… anything to keep that pressure headache off my temples…

  3. Cameron says:

    I knew it looked similar to my snowboard boots!

  4. Tom says:

    the chin strap layout looks similar to the old MICH harness and that it looks like you’ll get forward tilt when wearing NODs. Pretty big fail IMO. Ops-core’s layout for the chin straps should be the standard by now..

    • Al says:

      That’s what I was thinking… the ops-core H harness on the Crye Airframe is pretty stable already.

    • mike says:

      forward tilt isn’t controlled by a chin strap. it’s most immediately controlled by padding; you want the contours of your pad to match the shape of your head. a flat object on a flat surface has no wobble, so you match the pads to the shape of your head to create a similar lack of wobble. secondly, the Boa system wraps around the halo pretty securely. thirdly with proper counterweights you can add further stability. I still feel like proper padding is the biggest step everyone is missing. systems like the Team Wendy EPIC and EPIC AIR allow you to stack thinner pads and make a shape more compatible to the shape of your head.

      • Tom says:

        Mike, I hear you but the chin strap plays a huge role once you have NODs on, especially the heavier stuff like pvs-15s. I have a MSA 2001 MICH with team wendy epic air pads and ops core h-nape for a PVS-14. I use to run counter weights from EOG, but ditched them because after a while my neck got use to the weight and the OC H-nape and TW pads work well enough to where you don’t need a counter weight. Plus looking down at maps and gizmos sucks ass when you got all that counter weight on. Sure you can unlock the ops core nape and not have the NODs tilt forward with these pads, but you still need a nape that’s designed in the same fashion as ops cores IMO. I don’t like the OCC dial either, but the way the straps criss-cross from chin to helmet is what should be the gold standard for anyone designing a chin strap harness. No one should have to compromise and get a counter weight. I’m sticking with my opinion that area on TW’s harness is a big set back. Also not to be rude, but it sounds like you’re supporting the TW system because you work at a shop thats gonna be selling them? Have you actually put it to the test while wearing NODs? I would try out some NODs and look down at the ground then up and compare it to the ops core, without counter-weights. Would be a nice review.

        • Delta Gear says:

          Thanks for the honest review, Tom. Everything I’ve read jives with what you’re saying. Looks like I’ll be sticking with my OC H-harness and TW Epic Air as well.

        • Chris says:

          Tom, you ask Mike if he has put it to the test while wearing NOD’s. Have you? You seem pretty passionate in your opposition to the system yet it does not appear you have tested it. The guys that I know who are running with it have told me its very stable and comfortable.

  5. Mohican says:

    Great! Definitely this deserves a try. I guess it could improve performance of the Ops-Core Nape.

  6. This definitely seems like a good try – Another thing, I think could improve performance are focuses on lightening the combat load, the soldier kit and integrating equipment – have a look here: http://www.wbresearch.com/soldiertechnologyusa/combat-load.aspx