SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Gentex Mission Configurable Helmet Cover Follow Up

Since some folks didn’t believe that the Mission Configurable Helmet Cover is real, I wanted to follow up with this video shot yesterday at AUSA.

This thing is ingenious. It allows you to take a standard, slick ACH (of which there are well over 1 million out there) and, once you have mounted the Mission Configurable Helmet Cover, you have an Ops-Core VAS Shroud and ARC Rail mounted on the helmet. Need to go back to a slick helmet for an admin jump or to turn it in? Take the cover off.

Gentex tells me you will be able to order the cover by size and pattern and then specify which accessories you want mounted including color of accessories and whether or not you want pile tape on the cover.

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14 Responses to “Gentex Mission Configurable Helmet Cover Follow Up”

  1. TCBA_Joe says:

    So are the accessories anchored to the helmet in any way? It looks cool, I’m just skeptical on how stable that shroud will be once you an a swing arm and a PVS-14 or a pair of -15s.

    Also, will this work for non-drilled helmets? And will they be available for other cuts than a standard ACH?

    If it’s stable with NODs, can take other 3-hole shrouds, works with undrilled or 1-hole helmets, and there’s a version for the 2001; I’ll buy one. A lot of “ifs”, but that’s what I’m looking for

    • SSD says:

      That’s the point, its independent from holes. There is a plastic lining inside the cover that keeps everything rigid.

      • TCBA_Joe says:

        Awesome! I’ll take one without hardware for a TC2001.

        • SSD says:

          So you want a cover without the accessories for a helmet that they don’t make covers for?

          • TCBA_Joe says:

            I have an ops-core ARC on my 2001 and a Norotos shroud in the gear bin (I have a ratchet strap mount on the helmet). What I need is a cover and a way to put a 3-hole shroud on

            I figure with the recent surge in interest in helmet covers someones gotta start making them for 2001 helmets and not just standard ACHs and $1k cool guy helmets.

            I’d settle for being able to get it tailored to fit my helmet.

  2. Canuck says:

    Same concerns as Joe. I’m curious how stable it will be with NVDs… Even if they say it’s stable on their own Gentex helmets because it’s tight… how will it be on SDS lids? On MSA ones? On the ECH? I know for a fact that the fitting between a M ACH from SDS is varies over one in the same size from MSA, so inevitably, outer dimensions will vary too… making the originally tight-fitting, stable cover, a bit loose, thus unstable.

    Although the idea is great, I’m definitely not convinced.

    • SSD says:

      To the contrary, outer dimensions remain the same. The issue is in what it takes for a company to meet the ballistic requirements and how well they can mold the helmet. They make up or these issues on the interior of the helmet. This is why some are tighter than others.

  3. SGT Rock says:

    Meh. I’d rather have my hard points/mounting surfaces bolted to my brain bucket.

    • SSD says:

      The ECH is bolt less and they want to move away from compromising the ballistic integrity of the helmet by drilling holes into it.

  4. Kango says:

    I hope they make these in CADPAT.

  5. AKo says:

    Are the mounting pieces (VAS Shroud + ARC rails) backed by anything on the reverse side of the cover? Curious how well the fabric deals with that much stress applied to it. E.g. going through a house and getting NODs caught on something, will the fabric tear?

  6. Ryan says:

    Looks almost like there is a kydex insert behind the fabric AKo. This is a pretty cool idea and if it works well in the long run it will make a lot of people who want the accessory slots but aren’t allowed to modify there helmets happy. Also I love the calculator watch in the video.

  7. RICHARD says:

    The launch date for the Mission Configurable Helmet Cover is January 2013. In the interim, the MCHC will undergo field evaluations and the design will be tweaked as necessary to insure 100% compliance in meeting the rugged demands of mission senarios. In addition to the standard ACH helmet, it will be available to fit mid cut and high side trim version of the ACH and TBH-II family of helmet. A configuration ordering form will be made available in the near future with a listing of the available cover patterns and colors as well as the available Op-Core and other components the user would want added to the cover. Contact Gentex Corporation for additional information
    Patent Pending