TYR Tactical

Win a Set of US4CES Caps

ADS Inc displayed their US4CES family of camouflage patterns at AUSA. It was great to be able to see all three patterns along with accessories in the OCIE/PPE pattern. We secured a set of caps as a giveaway to our readers.

To enter for your chance to win the set of caps featuring US4CES Arid, Transitional and Woodland patterns (the prize does not include the ITAR restricted US4CES placards, just the caps) state in the comments section of this post on SSD your favorite camouflage pattern. Be sure to use a valid email address as we will use it to randomly select the winner at 2359 ZULU (GMT) on 4 November 2012. One entry per person. Void where prohibited.

To get a better idea of how these patterns work in concert with one another make the jump to the rest of the article.

Developed in concert with HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp‘s Guy Cramer, US4CES is considered a Digital Textured Pattern which utilizes shape and color to give the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes.

US4CES Woodland in ACU cut at AUSA in Washington DC last week. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom right

ADS Inc US4CES Transitional camouflage in ACU cut with US4CES OCIE camouflage vest at AUSA 2012. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom Left

ADS Inc US4CES Arid in ACU uniform at AUSA 2012. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom right


177 Responses to “Win a Set of US4CES Caps”

  1. Matt says:

    Multicam, but AOR2 and the US4CES Transitional are pretty good looking.

  2. rob says:

    I always liked the original woodland pattern and the old SADF Nutria brown.

  3. Bill says:

    US4CES transitional is in my opinion the best

  4. Rich says:


  5. hitower says:

    Rhosedian, with Arktis tundra as a close second.

  6. Brian says:

    I think the transitional US4CES pattern honestly has potential. Would love to try it out in the field someday.

  7. INF says:

    tri-color desert is classic

  8. straps says:

    For the purposes of this thread, my favorite camo pattern is US4CES Woodland.

    I started getting in trouble over my Multicam gear (2nd by a nose) in late 2005/early 2006.

  9. Eric Hiu says:

    US4CES Transitional

  10. Glockster says:

    If I had to pick only one, it would be the Transitional as it is a happy medium.

  11. Ville says:

    Multicam and A-TACS FG

  12. bob says:

    six color desert, while not perfect for the open desert, it was a semi-arid pattern and still holds up in some areas. That’s my opinion, at least.

  13. Camo3d says:

    I prefer transitional for is better disruption 😉

  14. US4CES Arid! It will make a great hot-weather grill kit!

  15. Jon says:

    Multicam…For what my eyes have told me in various environments. But more than willing to give this family of patterns a shot.

  16. John W. says:

    I like the US4CES Transitional.

    Any ideas when commercial fatigues in US4CES will become available or the closest approximation in the Deceptex lineup?

    BTW, what’s a “restricted placard”?

  17. Jason R says:


  18. Jacquouille says:

    I like the Transitional. Better then arid for a Canadian.

  19. SteveB says:

    The ADS/Cramer US4CES patterns are my hands down favorites, especially the Transitional variant.

  20. Rich P, says:

    As weird as its gonna sound, Desert Marpat when it’s dirty.

  21. Matt Hache says:

    Usforces is my pick, Kryptec looks too much like hunting camos and I cant picture the army wearing them, Brookwood just looks stupid. But im curious to see what Crye has come up with.

  22. SqDb says:

    Currently loving ATACs FG.

    The transitional looks the best, IMO.

  23. frankie71 says:

    Transitional! Bellissima!

  24. Travis says:

    Australian MultiCam. The US4CES Woodland looks as though it would work well in Northern NewYork where I have a summer camp.

  25. Jim K says:


  26. PB says:

    My favorite pattern would have to be NWU Type III. My favorite US4CES pattern is the woodland variant.

  27. jmhpwdr says:

    Classic Woodland ftw

  28. Mark says:

    I am digging the US4CES pattern. would like to see where it goes

  29. Dave T says:

    I’m starting to really like US4CES Transitional, although in my urban area, I’ve been patternless for a lower profile lately…

  30. Chris Brown says:

    US4CES Woodland.

  31. Dgolf says:

    US4CES transitional and ATACs FG

  32. dude says:

    It’s got to be the GIJoe movie camouflage pattern


    No, no, how about Call of Duty’s Honor pattern?


    Who am I kidding? It has to be the spraypainted lab coats from Return of the Jedi!

  33. Joey D says:

    US4CES transitional looks as it would work in the various locations CONUS and OCONUS (Europe). Having been at the NTC during the last couple rotations multicam seems to work well, but a bit dark for high desert. I’d like to see the comparison with US4CES there. If we as an armed forces have bought into digital, lets go all in.

  34. Jacob says:

    Italian Vegetato Camouflage

  35. Chuck says:

    US4CES woodland and transitional, both seem effective.

  36. Kyle says:

    US4CES transitional is it

  37. Joe says:

    I actually think that transitional pattern up there takes the cake for me, looks perfect for my urban environment. Previous to that, I would have to say that I’m really partial to tiger stripe for dense green environments, and the desert DPM for a true arid sand environment.

  38. Lobo says:

    So far, MARPAT was my favourite camo pattern.

  39. Mike says:

    MultiCam groupie here.

  40. CL White says:

    Marpat-as a former Marine I am required to say that

  41. Daggert says:

    multicam all round; A TACS for desert

  42. BigFatPanda says:

    good ole Woodland

  43. Ian Panlilio says:

    I’d have to say that multicam is my current all around favorite.

  44. Edgar says:

    I personally like multicam as I have deployed and trained with it. However that does not go to say that it is the best thing out there Bulldog Equip. Mirage Camo is amazing as well. I do look forward to being issued the best camouflage pattern period. I am excited about US4CES aa I believe they will work well in there respective environment unlike UCP. Somebody dropped the ball on that one. And I paying for it.

  45. Jamie says:

    I join the legion of Multicam nuts. However I have a soft spot for Desert MARPAT

  46. James says:

    US4CES camos, well lets see I like all three, but If I have to chose I’d say Woodland, but it’s kind of hard to say which is my favorite.

  47. They all look like they would be great in their intended areas, but I’d go with transitional of the three.

  48. Brian says:

    I really dig the kryptek patterns especially the nomad

  49. trent wiltshire says:

    I’m still a fan of the pencott family.

  50. Marmatt says:

    Desert All Over Brush