RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Kryptek Custom Xbox 360 Giveaway

“JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!…Ultra Custom XBOX 360 in KRYPTEK TYPHON, along with Call of Duty-Black Ops II, and a SICK swag pack from Kryptek and COD! THREE WINNERS, one every week…SICK!” With a description like that, if you’re a camo enthusiast or better yet, a gamer, you might want to check out Kryptek’s Facebook giveaway of a customized Xbox 360 with a Call of Duty-Black Ops II tie-in. They are giving away one per week for three weeks.

Details on Kryptek’s Facebook wall – www.facebook.com/kryptekoutdoors


3 Responses to “Kryptek Custom Xbox 360 Giveaway”

  1. Irish VBIED says:

    It was only a matter of time before Kryptek patterns got debuted in video games. The problem is that the pattern will not be adopted by the Army now tht it has gone mainstream, just like Multicam not being choosen after it went mainstream. Nice pattern though.