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Recoil Issue 5 Is Out


When Recoil magazine initially came out, it held a lot of promise. This wasn’t your average gun magazine. It had and continues to offer a different look. In fact, this latest issue, hitting news stands now, has the same look and feel as it’s initial success. Only one thing is missing, Editor Jerry Tsai who stepped down after Issue 4’s Second Amendment controversy.

So what steps has Recoil taken to move on? Aside from some personnel changes, the issue starts out with an article on the Second Amendment. In fact, it spells out in no uncertain terms that Recoil supports the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Additionally, the theme of this issue is Versatility. They cover a bolt gun, 2 pistols and shotgun. They also have some interesting content on the basics of preparing a bug out bag as well as what to look for in a used 1911. However, I feel they fall a little short on some content such as the lightweight rail, pistol light and boot photo spreads but the lack of depth may be as much a function of a wary industry than an oversight on Recoil’s part.

Like previous issues, there’s a pull-out full-size target although this one is a space alien. That’s a little different but follows the overall Recoil theme of being something different.

They haven’t returned to the full stable of advertisers they enjoyed prior to Issue 4’s editorial misstep but they are in better shape than they were in the beginning. They aren’t starting from scratch but you can see that they are taking steps to move forward.

I’m willing to see where this goes. How about you?


23 Responses to “Recoil Issue 5 Is Out”

  1. Tim says:

    Ill be picking it up. Love the design.

  2. Jake says:

    I am going to remain optimistic from now until I get off work to pick up my copy. I recently got some good feedback from them via Facebook and I hope they hold true to the points they made. Gear and guns are great, zombie proof shelters and gun trucks that the average American can’t afford are nice to look at but when the dust settles where are the tactics the drills and no holds gear reviews. Yes it’s nice that this new plate carrier was in the last call if duty but I want the things that matter. Tactics drills and reviews on things that we as blue collar lead farmers can afford. We shall see if they just become a cool picture book or a great source of knowledge and product review.

    • SSD says:

      Let us know what you think. I think Versatility is mode they are in, as in bugsplat. They are trying a variety of things, seeking to find their niche.

  3. Chip says:

    I’m not convinced. The former editors comments were read by staff before it was published and no one objected? I won’t be buying this magazine anytime soon.

  4. Josh says:

    When this magazine first came out, I was optimistic. The optimism faded soon after I opened issue #1. The vast majority of the information in the magazine is fluff, or you can find it on a legit forum for free. I’ve heard the magazine referred to as the ‘Maxim mag for gun guys’ and I think that’s about spot on, pretty pictures of gear and articles on zombies. Does it appeal to a niche market? Maybe. Probably. Do I think recoil is relevant? Meh, no.

  5. Billy says:

    Agreed, the boot section is weak at best. I’m also a bit disappointed with their 2nd Amendment article. I feel it’s lacking any depth, but that is kinda the basic concept of the magazine. I’m surprised that is the best they could come up with after the debacle. Also, I feel the article should have come from the next step up from Jerry Tsai at Source link and been signed. I’m still impressed with the design and layout of this magazine, it’s truly the first gun/gear magazine to have any sense of design. If anything, the other publications could learn something and invest a bit more on some decent photography and designers.

  6. FormerSFMedic says:

    I found this issue pretty interesting to say the least. They made damn sure to open the issue with an article on the Second Amendment. No surprise there. What was surprising was the “lack of depth” as Billy put it, that the article represented. Nonetheless, I like that they made the point. I’m just not sure if readers are going to believe the editors TRULY understand the meaning of the Second Amendment.

    The rest of the magazine was definitely “off balance” compared to previous issues. The AR15 forend feature and the custom Glock19 articles were reminiscent of the original concept however the rest of the issue was not on par with issues 1-4. The lack of premium advertisers was evident from the beginning and took away from some of the publications credibility. Of course Stickman still had some content which helped in the credibility department.

    Overall I think Recoil has taken a hit in quality content. But then again, the content wasn’t necessarily super high quality to begin with. The difference is that, for me, much of issue 5 was not appealing where the other issues were. Time will tell whether they have the legs to hit their stride again. Until then, I feel as if issue 5 isn’t worth buying. With that said, it’s worth a skimming at the local grocery store while I wait on my wife and daughter yo get done shopping. I guess that’s a good thing?

    • Haji says:

      That’s pretty much how I read issues 1-4, although I did buy #3. I guess I just don’t have a lot of need for magazines anymore or somethin’.

  7. R3D R3IGN S1X says:

    Hmmm, I didn’t see a Centurion Arms C4 rail… ?

  8. AZViking says:

    I was disappointed in their little history lesson on the Second Amendment. They mentioned personal protection as a right, but no mention of protection from the government, which was honestly the biggest reason behind the 2nd Am. I am still very weary of these guys, both President Obama and Mitt Romney said in no uncertain terms that they support the right to keep and bear arms, yet they both are gun banners. I really think they paid our rights and the reasons behind them lip service.

    As far as the rest of the issue, I have found that the magazine has been steadily declining. There were a few RECOIL style articles, and a lot of worthless page fillers.

  9. straps says:

    Any manufacturer who wants to wait out the Issue 4 ThoughtCrime is screwing themselves out of business.

    I’ve been looking for a lightweight, free-float, drop in rail for easy transfer between my personal carbine and the ones that the big bad guvmint lends me once and again, and was UNAWARE of Troy’s product. This issue made the rounds over at the office, and there are 6 guys–present company included–who are so pleased with Troy’s other products that they will be ordering these sight unseen.

    I really, REALLY would like to know about the true spending power of those who had the time (and social skills) to run from one corner of the internet to the other spewing invective at anyone who didn’t post video online of themselves setting their copy of Issue 4 on fire with the flames from their own gasoline-soaked clothing.

    • JM says:

      Our company sat out purely because we believe in our right to keep & bear arms. I would imagine others made the decision for the same reason.

      With that being said, we are waiting to see if anyone is willing to wear both the PRO-gun/rights hat, as well as the progressive style of print-magazine that Recoil presented. For the sake of clarity – by “progressive”, this would be a magazine that incorporates a great layout, sense of community, interesting content, current trends, and doesn’t read like a giant advertisement. For some strange reason, this seems like a tall order.

    • straps says:

      I’m STILL looking for that infamous anti-2A passage in Issue 4. Maybe it was torn out before I purchased it.

      I DO remember a quote from the MP7 article where a now-unemployed author/editor paraphrased a representative of a company NOTORIOUSLY dismissive of individual civilian purchasers about their lack of interest in developing a semi-auto variant with a neutered load (go ahead, try and find the load that the FN57 is DESIGNED to fire) that would make a PURELY recreational gun, likely limited to folks willing/able to go through NFA–which REALLY IS the issue.

      Which leads to a more valid question, assuming someone in the public sphere is willing to bet her or his livelihood on it. Is a person who sees the wisdom of something like the NFA anti-Constitutional? And is there room for this kind (or any kind) of nuance in the shooting community? I’m coming to the conclusion that that the answer to BOTH questions is NO, and that forcing people to choose up (under penalty of public derision by extremists) is going to alienate a majority who will go silent and just lock their guns in safes as one-size-fits-none gun legislation comes up for votes…

      • JM says:

        The reality here is we as a community cannot afford an anti-2a trajectory. Its a slippery slope and way too easy for the congress critters to adopt as a reason for additional legislation.

        To lighten it up a bit– If PRO is the opposite of CON, what is the opposite of progress?

  10. Tim M says:

    People who want to reference stuff published in this magazine automatically loose any credibility in their firearms knowledge. Sorry, Recoil should have just packed it all up and moved on to other things.

  11. I bought the latest issue, after thumbing through it briefly in the store, with the intent of giving them a chance. Seeing the 2nd Amendment lead off, and that recognizable names, such as Stickman, were involved gave me the push necessary for that.
    Having read it cover to cover now, my thoughts are much the same as those above. The 5th is certainly the weakest issue yet in overall depth. That said, there’s some gold, and at least the indications that they can continue to build that back up cover-to-cover.
    Other than a lack of depth, I thought they did better than average (among gun rags) for a few things. Particularly the more holistic perspective of including content like the budget prepper piece and the fire starting kit piece. Survival topics, which challenge the ego of the reader by pointing out his/her fallibility, and showcasing less than brand-shiny-new gear are both anathema to most industry publications. Having Recoil, which is already stand-out from a design perspective, break the mold and give those topics a “cool” presentation is a good thing.
    That leads me to my overall thoughts on Recoil: Recoil has now weathered a serious controversy and continued on. They have a superiorly designed physical product. It looks different, it feels different in the hand (rough stock cover, different dimensions, and different construction), both in pleasing ways and it carries that pleasurable difference through to the interior layouts. They are also touching on in-demand pockets of interest that have been ignored by other print media. Whatever “cool” is, Recoil has gotten a handle on it for the moment. Whether or not their editorial staff, or a new editor in chief if/when they install one, agreed or disagrees with Jerry Tsai’s positions, Recoil is going to have reach. For that reason alone, they bear watching, and if possible, supporting in the right direction.
    I am hopeful that they have learned a lesson about the values of the industry, in a way that has shaped, if not the staff structure, the editorial philosophy of their magazine for the better. Am I positive of it? No. The shallowness of their 2nd Amendment article leaves a lot of room for suspicion, unfortunately. My feeling is, at this point, that we’ll just have to see where they go. Giving them the benefit of the doubt (although not to much) may have an impact on that. The industry, both producers and consumers, needs to watch them carefully, and spend their money wisely. Same for industry writers and photographers trying to place work. Their editorial position and direction is still a bit cloudy, but they may well be on the right path. Can they prove it to us? Can industry members help insure that?
    I’d be a long way from subscribing, but I’ll be making the effort to look through the next issue when it hits stands, with an eye to purchasing it.

  12. Preston Fraley says:

    The fact is: RECOIL IS THE GREATEST GUN/SHOOTING LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE EVER! That’s why it came under attack. It was a conspiracy brought about by all the other Sh!tty gun magazines out there, they are scared of RECOIL’s success! They twisted one sentence and scared all the “nut job retards” into a “knee jerk” frenzy. First, I just want to touch on the FACTS, the sentence in question was innocent and taken out of a conversation he had where the a rep of H&K stated his opinion about who should handle that fine piece of weaponry, that’s it. I’ve heard plenty of LEO’s, Military and Sales Reps say things like that, boasting about how bad ass a weapon system is. Are you telling me that their stance on the 2nd amendment is shaky? It’s RANGE TALK! Twisting it into an attack on our rights was the real problem! “I don’t think everyone should be able to own a Hawk surface-to-air missile system.” That’s just an opinion, will that statement alone affect you owning a missile system? Probably not, but if the bloggers get a hold of it none of us will be able to own missiles ;). Next I want to touch on the whole “Defend ourselves from our government” thing. WE HAVE THE GREATEST MILITARY IN THE WORLD! Does anyone disagree? No, okay so if our government wanted to take our guns by force they could, right? Unless you mean to tell me that you and your small arsenal could thwart a drone attack. Uggh! If only those whack jobs didn’t go ape sh!t on the “Hawk missile post” you could have stood a chance. The ONLY way we can stop our government from taking away our 2nd amendment is standing by one another in solidarity, having open minded discussions and educating gun owners and non-gun owners alike. Not by attacking a GUN magazine. The pulling of advertisers in the first gun magazine you can keep on your desk, in a waiting lounge or in your playboy grotto, without looking like a psychopath (I use this term loosely, it goes with the whole “educating non-gun owners” thing) just hurts us, the gun owners and shooting enthusiast. I mean really if there where an anti-gun super villain this would be part of their master plan “ I’ll knit pick every little article in gun magazines and say THEY are against the 2nd amendment, which will create a backlash with gun owners, which in turn will cause advertisers to pull funding leaving GUN magazines destitute. First Recoil, next the world HA hA haha HAAA!” If you want to attack someone for making anti-gun statements MAKE SURE ITS AN ANTI-GUN STATEMENT! Like what Bob Costas said on Sunday Night Football… Oh and be sure to talk smack about SNF and how they can employ someone who could make a blank statement about guns, as if the gun got into the car drove over and shot those people by its self. Because if any one deserves to step down and apologize its him.

    I was typing this with one hand, while holding a bald eagle firing a Ma Deuce with one wing, while he was pouring me a tall cold glass of PBR with the other, while getting a tattoo of the American flag on my chest, while listening to “Wango Tango” as my rattlesnake boots where being polished by two chicks at… the… same… time. So don’t you dare call me un-American!

  13. kirk says:

    Glad to see Recoil is evolving. The market needs a innovative shooters magazine.

  14. lawdog says:

    Like the format, like the photography. And I am willing to extend grace to them for their faux pas. I like the DIY stuff as it is not being done (IMHO) anywhere else. Could do without the automotive stuff though

    • straps says:

      The automotive stuff is spillage from their parent company.

      Go to the car section and look for a mag that looks JUST LIKE RECOIL…

      • JM says:

        Good call here straps. What they are doing isnt game changing, but it definitely helped push the ball forward in our industry.