TYR Tactical

FirstSpear to Unveil New Products at SHOT Show

As I was talking with FirstSpear the other day getting ready for this article I realized a few things. It was just in Dec of 2010 that we first published the FirstSpear logo. Since then they’ve launched 4 new catalogs, including the full-size 64 pager you’re going to see here. They’ve also reinvented the way the industry looks at pouch attachment and releasable vest systems including fully integrating floatation and buoyancy compensation into load carriage systems. If that wasn’t impressive enough, they’ve also launched a clothing line and begun to branch out into weapon accessories. They aren’t doing everything. Instead, they are looking for niche areas where no one has done anything before. Some would say that you are crazy to launch a new tactical nylon company in this economy but they are thriving. And I’d say that this is a testament to their people. These guys are both innovative and driven. Plus, they really know their customer and they listen.

Take a look at what that combination of customer interaction and innovation has wrought for Spring 2013.

-Two new maritime specific platforms
-The Sloucher – armor carrier
-The Slick – ultra lightweight plate carrier

-Asset combat shirt
-Discreet Anorak

Load Carrying
-Discreet Tactical Belt – Designed to be worn under a suit coat or jacket
-Backward compatible 6/9 pouches – Replaces PALS attachment system and also 6/12 platform compatible
-Split front modular chest rig

New pouches
-MP7 pouches
-Mini Admin
-New hinged radio pouch
-Montana GPS pouch
-CSM Gear Drop pouch – Now available direct from FS

-MICH/ACH helmet covers
-Patterned Advanced Gunfighter Belt
-The Thug – Rapidly attaching pouches to the front of a carrier
-The DAS DING – low profile SERE equipment carriage
-Break down transport bag

FirstSpear™ 2013 Catalog [V4] by scottcarver

Look for coverage of some of these new items starting Monday when we’ll get to take a look at them during a Pre-SHOT Show range day.


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2 Responses to “FirstSpear to Unveil New Products at SHOT Show”

  1. Alex says:

    Glad to see the Engagement Ring and pouch as well.

  2. Logan F. Crooks says:

    Will the Pouch for the Engagement be available to sold separately? The Asset Combat Shirt is really just an NFM/GARM Garment, as I believe they have a partnership. If you don’t believe me, here’s a link to compare pictures. http://www.nfm.no/GARM-Combat-Layer/Combat-Shirt-FR.html. Also, any news on First Spear 1QT Canteen Pouches?