SureFire XC3

ODG Sighting – Mystery Ranch



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4 Responses to “ODG Sighting – Mystery Ranch”

  1. 2-BPM says:

    Mystery ranch should go down to the shithawk! booth and flip their table for blatantly ripping off their packs

  2. A.M. says:

    Can somebody tell me how that Stick-it panel was mounted on to the Spartan? That looks pretty cool.

    • SSD says:

      They made a special mod. As soon as I saw the Stick-it and the final Spartan I knew they needed to interface. I asked Them about adding a Surface mount Female SR to the Spartan. Apparently, ODG did the same thing.

  3. A.M. says:

    Thats awesome. Im pretty sure I could configure something similar with my Stick-it…