
OR – Petzl


New for 2013 are the Laser, Laser Speed and Laser Speed Light. The common denominator to all of these is the new tooth. Rather than 6-7 mm tooth, they’ve cut it back to 4mm which offers quicker purchase in the ice making for a faster application of the ice screw. The orange colored shanks denote the Laser Speed Light screws which combine an aluminum shank with steel teeth press fit into the aluminum tube. This sheds about 30% weight.

Petzl has also introduced the Lim’ice, a $69 ice screw sharpening tool. No longer do you have to take a trip to Ouray Colorado to sharpen your ice screws. Now, you can do it right in the backcountry. This hand operated device allows you to file both sides of the tooth.


The new Tikka R+ and Tikka RXP have combined the reactive lighting of the Nao with the Tikka form factor. Reactive lighting optimizes the internal rechargeable battery and adapts to the amount of ambient light.


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