TYR Tactical

OR – Granite Gear Name That Pack Contest


Granite Gear likes to bring military packs to OR that show capability and that’s the case with this variant of the Chief Patrol. It’s a bit slimmed down and in addition to the standard roll top with antenna and radio cable slits, this 40 liter pack incorporates a panel to access the load.



Here you can see the zippered water bladder pouches that accommodate 100 oz bladders.


And finally, you can see the Chief suspension.


So now that you’ve seen the pack and what it has to offer how about you name it? The winning name will receive this pack, shipped to you from Granite Gear and you’ll be able to tell all of your friends you named it.

From now until 2359Z 28 Jan 2013 post your entry to name this pack here on THIS post on SSD and nowhere else. Only entries here are eligible to win. Granite Gear will select the winning name once the contest closes. In the event more than one person submits the same name the first entry with that name will win.

Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

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224 Responses to “OR – Granite Gear Name That Pack Contest”

  1. Phil says:

    Light Recce patrol pack

  2. Gordon says:

    Chief Escort

  3. Todd Camper says:

    The Barfoot for Van T. Barfoot (Chocktaw)

    A Choctaw from Mississippi, and a Second Lieutenant in the Thunderbirds. On 23 May 1944, during the breakout from Anzio to Rome, Barfoot knocked out two machine gun nests and captured 17 German soldiers. Later that same day, he repelled a German tank assault, destroyed a Nazi fieldpiece and while returning to camp carried two wounded commanders to safety.

  4. Matt says:

    CHIEF Fastback

  5. Philip Smell says:

    Little Chief patrol pack

  6. Ken Nelson says:

    Granite Terrain Assault Pack

  7. 00bullitt says:

    Chief Tongue or the Native Tongue Pack – based on what it looks like when the front access flap is opened down – looks like a tongue

  8. Virgil says:

    The “Constitution” because it set the standards for everyone else.

  9. Kevin Dunn says:

    The Omega pack. Because it is the last pack you will ever need.

  10. Scott Petty says:

    Mato =grizzly Bear in Lakota

  11. Ben says:

    The Master Chief

  12. mikel says:

    The Tatanka

  13. MAD says:

    “Shaman” – the one close to the Chief, and responsible for “communication with the spirits” (radio comms with TOC or Command)

  14. S1 says:

    Chief Payload. Open the bay doors to see cargo.

  15. James says:


    Any of these names should suffice and set legacy naming for future products. and I would imagine the families would be honored and could also tie into the SOWF.

  16. Corbin says:

    The Rock

  17. Joe Walsh says:

    The Light Stone Patrol Pack

  18. N703 says:


  19. Medic! says:


  20. doc says:

    The chinook

  21. cas says:

    “The blackjack” in honor of Gen. john “blackjack” Pershing former commander of the 10th cavalry regiment “buffalo soldiers” steadfast and loyal

  22. Brian says:

    The Tanker

  23. MSK says:

    Harbinger – of things to come…

  24. Glenn says:

    Chief Commando

  25. Striker says:

    The Bandit

  26. Patrick Bateman says:

    The Tecumseh

  27. Kevin W says:

    The B. F. R. (Big Freaking Ruck)

  28. Matt says:

    The Forty

  29. anton says:

    Chief Ranger

    Chief, a great leader

    Ranger, an elite infantry soldier

    Just my thought.

  30. Brian B. says:


  31. Alex says:

    The Red Wing. A la Operation Red Wing. Looks like a great pack for a mountain recon/sneak and peek.

  32. Matt says:

    Mountain 3 day patrol pack

  33. Whokka says:

    Fast Chief Stacked pack…
    Stacked with features
    Stacked contents access…

  34. AdAm says:


    1. The word that is epitome of warrior’s honor, fighting spirit and daring courage.
    2. Code name for the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
    3. Name of famous Apache Indian chief, warrior and American legend.

  35. Glenn says:

    Cheif Commando
    Please don’t disqualify me if this already posted once, it says it posted, but I don’t see it.

  36. Big D says:

    Awesome pack.


  37. Yesenia l Dunleavy says:

    Banshee Operator Pack

  38. Phil says:

    looks great.


  39. Harris says:

    Trojan Horse. Lots of surprises on the inside.

  40. KS says:

    Special Mission Infil

  41. FrankD says:

    Amazing pack.

    The Ridgeback.

  42. EGS says:

    Forty Dog

  43. scottpkinney says:

    Chief HafSac

  44. Scott Kinney says:

    Chief HalfSac

  45. Scott Kinney says:

    Chief HalfSack

  46. BradKAK308 says:

    Askar – Afghan (Pashto) for soldier.

  47. epw says:


  48. Albert S. says:

    the RidgeBack

  49. TM says:

    Cloud 9ine