Wilcox BOSS Xe

Forces Focus – Operation Serval – 2e REP Combat Jump into Timbuktu

To quote my friend Yancey, “Seems like the French had themselves a combat jump in Mali.”

This video by Pascal DuPont is the long version that shows the airland on the 27th of January into Gao and then concludes with the jump into Timbuktu on the 28th by the French Foreign Legion’s 2e REP ( 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment) including Harfang drone footage. Then there’s a bunch of other stuff.

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3 Responses to “Forces Focus – Operation Serval – 2e REP Combat Jump into Timbuktu”

  1. BradKAK308 says:

    Very Interesting. Africa is the place for combat jumps! After the video there is a selection of other videos. One is of some guy questioning NY Mayor Bloomberg on his armed, at least 5, NYPD bodyguards. He asks if he’ll have them disarmed. Canadas largest city, Toronto, has an unprotected Mayor. He doesn’t even have a driver. Driver he should have. The US must be dangerous, you guys need to arm yourselves, especially in NYC. Lead by example Mayor.

  2. Lance says:

    They seem to be doing very well and moving quickly, you may just spot some of our pieces too…

  3. BradKAK308 says:

    the baddies don’t seem to want to be engaged. I hope the French chase them down hard.