B5 Systems

Archive for January, 2013

Happy New Year

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

May 2013 be a better year for you than 2012.

Daniel Defense Torture Test II Premiers Tonight on TAC-TV

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

Tonight is the premier of TAC-TV’s Torture Test II episode where LAV puts the Daniel Defense DDM4v1 through its paces.

Baselining everything off of last year’s show, they did some crazy stuff to that gun and I was on hand to witness it. Sure, it’s beyond mil=spec but Daniel Defense volunteered for it and was willing to live with the consequences whatever they may be. They froze it, shot it, buried it, drug it behind a truck and blew it up. To find out how it fared, make sure to watch TAC-TV tonight for the premier.