SureFire XC3

On Target Magazine Selects Arc’teryx LEAF Talos Pants for 2012 Editor’s Choice Award

On Target Magazine selected Arc’teryx for a 2012 Editor’s Choice Award for their solid color Talos Pants.


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8 Responses to “On Target Magazine Selects Arc’teryx LEAF Talos Pants for 2012 Editor’s Choice Award”

  1. Chris says:

    Those are some BA pants right there!

  2. Chris says:

    I love my pair. I’m going to be getting two more in the near future. They are just that nice!

  3. Ted says:

    Anyone know who makes the belt that they used on the pants?

  4. Harry says:

    Better than g3 Crye??

  5. Husky says:

    what kind of BS is this the pants is on the US market this year 2013 how can it be 2012 editor’s choice? the first US dealer has it is US Elite and it’s before LEAF put on their website and it’s around 1/7/2013….this is totally bull shits 2012 pick! WTF!

    • SSD says:

      They were available last year.

    • On Target says:

      Husky, thanks for your thoughts. We began evaluating the Multicam version of the Talos Pant back in May as a potential 2012 ECA pick. We spent months wear testing them at several shooting courses, countless days on the range, etc. To say we are impressed with the patterning, features and quality of the Talos Pant is an understatement. We received solid colored pants in October and in our opinion they are “icing on the cake” for those not authorized/don’t want to wear Multicam.

      I hope this provides some clarification.