
PEO Soldier Portfolio 2013

PEO Soldier Portfolio FY2013

Here it is, in all its glory, the FY 2013 PEO SOldier portfolio. Think of it as a catalog of sorts, giving basic information for all of the commodities managed by PEO Soldier.


9 Responses to “PEO Soldier Portfolio 2013”

  1. ME says:

    A few cool things in here I didn’t know about.

    It’s February, though, and still no camo. Is this an indicator that sequestration has put the camo improvement effort on hold?

    • Camo Reader says:

      I think the Army is waiting to see what will happen on March 1st. That is the last day before automatic sequestration kick in if congress can’t pass a budget. If sequestration does occur than they will most likely put the CIE on hold.

    • straps says:

      I’m thinking more context than funding.

      Seemed like there was whispers about an announcement at AUSA, which came and went. Nothing at SHOT, but .gov entities were under pretty strict guidance to dissociate themselves from SHOT and its sponsors after Sandy Hook (my spy was kept home).

      UCP was announced on 14 June–Army’s Birthday. Logical (yeah, I know, we’re talking about the US Army) to expect something similar. Also, Panetta is pushing a whole raft of cuts. Given the previous factually shaky reporting of UCP as a $5B boondoggle, any announcement of a replacement will have some latency space–which could include sequestration and whatever bookends it.

      There’s someone in the 5-sided square with their eyes on a Gannt chart that ain’t talking. Even when announced, I’m envisioning a tortuously slowly-phased deployment and G-1 guidance that clothing shall match equipment so no jumping the gun, Geardo. GP units by 2016, Guard by 2018, Reserves by 2020.

      I hope to be wrong about all this.

  2. Mr. European says:

    All that cool technology…

    I’m most interested in the SPS. It’s been half a millennium since soldiers last wore articulated full armor.

    ENVG’s also awesome.

    Military technology’s starting to look more advanced than what sci-fi makers could’ve imagined not thirty years ago.

    Too bad there’s no word on new camo patterns.

  3. bulldog 76 says:

    so what ever happened to the camo improvement effort ??