GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Hey Folks, Let’s Help Colorado

The Colorado Legislature is considering legislation that will not only affect gun owners in Colorado but the entire nation including military and law enforcement. This legislation will make it illegal for Magpul Industries to manufacture 20 and 30 round magazines.

Contact Governor Hickenlooper right now and urge him to oppose HB1224 and all other proposed firearm legislation to save Colorado jobs and support freedom in Colorado. His Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/JohnHickenlooper, his Twitter is https://twitter.com/hickforco and you can email him your opinion of legislation at http://www.colorado.gov/govhdir/requests/opinion-leg.html. Legislators’ email boxes and voicemail boxes are overflowing, keep up the momentum and let Governor Hickenlooper know how damaging this legislation will be. Share this, retweet it, help us get the word out.

Colorado State House of Representatives – Democrats (37 total)

John Buckner: 303-866-2944
Email: john.buckner.house@state.co.us

Lois Court: 303-866-2967
Email: lois.court.house@state.co.us

Crisanta Duran: 303-866-2925
Email: crisanta.duran.house@state.co.us

Thomas Exum: 303-866-3069
Email: thomas.exum.house@state.co.us

Mark Ferrandino: 303-866-2346
E-mail: mferrandino@yahoo.com

Rhonda Fields: 303-866-3911
E-mail: rhonda.fields.house@state.co.us

Randy Fischer: 303-866-2917
E-mail: randyfischer@frii.com

Mike Foote: 303-866-2920
E-mail: mike.foote.house@state.co.us

Leroy Garcia: 303-866-2968
E-mail: leroy.garcia.house@state.co.us

Joann Ginal: 303-866-4569
E-mail: joann.ginal.house@state.co.us

Millie Hamner: 303-866-2952
E-mail: millie.hamner.house@state.co.us

Dickey Lee Hullinghorst: 303-866-2348
E-mail: dl.hullinghorst.house@state.co.us

Daniel Kagan: 303-866-2921
E-mail: repkagan@gmail.com

Tracy Kraft-Tharp: 303-866-2950
E-mail: reptracy29@gmail.com

Jeanne Labuda: 303-866-2966
E-mail: jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us

Steve Lebsock: 303-866-2931
E-mail: steve.lebsock.house@state.co.us

Pete Lee: 303-866-2932
E-mail: pete.lee.house@state.co.us

Clair Levy: 303-866-2578
E-mail: claire.levy.house@state.co.us

Jenise May: 303-866-2945
E-mail: jenise.may.house@state.co.us

Elizabeth McCann: 303-866-2959
E-mail: beth.mccann.house@state.co.us

Mike McLachlan: 303-866-2914
E-mail: mike.mclachlan.house@state.co.us

Jovan Melton: 303-866-2919
E-mail: jovan.melton.house@state.co.us

Diane Mitsch Bush: 303-866-2923
E-mail: diane.mitschbush.house@state.co.us

Dominick Moreno: 303-866-2964
E-mail: dominick.moreno.house@state.co.us

Dan Pabon: 303-866-2954
E-mail: dan.pabon.house@state.co.us

Cherylin Peniston: 303-866-2843
E-mail: cherylin.peniston.house@state.co.us

Brittany Petterson: 303-866-2939
E-mail: brittany.pettersen.house@state.co.us

Dianne Primavera: 303-866-4667
E-mail: dianne.primavera.house@state.co.us

Paul Rosenthal: 303-866-2910
E-mail: paul.rosenthal.house@state.co.us

Su Ryden: 303-866-2942
E-mail: su.ryden.house@state.co.us

Joseph Salazar: 303-866-2918
E-mail: joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us

Sue Schafer: 303-866-5522
E-mail: sue.schafer.house@state.co.us

Jonathan Singer: 303-866-2780
E-mail: jonathan.singer.house@state.co.us

Max Tyler: 303-866-2951
E-mail: max@maxtyler.us

Edward Vigil: 303-866-2916
E-mail: edvigil1@gmail.com

Angela Williams: 303-866-2909
E-mail: angela.williams.house@state.co.us

Dave Young: 303-866-2929
E-mail: dave.young.house@state.co.us


10 Responses to “Hey Folks, Let’s Help Colorado”

  1. redband-D says:

    Wouldn’t be just as good if we could get magpul to move to Texas. The Texas governor just went to California and was telling businesses how much friendlier taxes and such were in the Lone Star state.

    • octactical says:

      No, it’s in everyone’s best interest to fight this stuff wherever it pops up regardless if you live there or not. The guys who like to brag about living in a free state must not be old enough to remember the 94 ban. If you think it can’t happen again you’re delusional. Every time a new law like this passes it gives momentum to the anti 2A cause everywhere, including on the national stage. You defeat stuff like this in Colorado and it makes the representative in the next state think twice about trying the same. Texas maybe go to go now, but you need to look at the big picture and whats going to happen 10-20 years from now. Defeating it there helps stop the spread and hopefully prevents you from having to fight it in your own state in the future.

      • octactical says:


        Just wanted to clarify that the free state comment wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment to something I see a lot of.

        • Mike says:

          Thank you for that. As soon as people start realizing this is a NATIONAL problem, not just a local one, then we will start making a diffence.

      • Chuck says:

        Thanks OC. You nailed it! We were blindsided here in NY by Gov Cuomo and all I saw on the blogs were derogatory comments about NY as a whole. FIGHT THIS WHEREVER IT IS HAPPENING. This idea of just pack up and move will not work or help. Each state affects every other. Believe me, I would love to move, but I have very serious obligations where I am now. When I am done, yes, I’m on my way, but no one should be sitting back thinking it can’t happen to them wherever they are. And we must band together no matter where we live.

  2. Zulu6 says:

    WHAT!! Just Magpul? That’s a Bill of Attainder, a law targeting an individual entity and is HIGHLY Illegal!

  3. Thank you all for supporting our rights here in Colorado. I assure you that defeating these bills in Colorado will benefit the entire country.

    Denver, CO

  4. Gregory says:

    Emails sent.

  5. Mr. Vegas says:

    I hear the house passed it already. Focus on the Senators.