Earlier this week, Blue Force Gear formally introduced their new take on the warbelt and suspenders, the BELTminus. Integrating their Helium Whisper technology, BELTminus weighs just ounces and was designed as a load carrying platform for jungle operations.
Now, they are giving one away. For your chance to win a padded model (your choice of size) comment in this article on SSD your favorite BFG product.
From now until 2359Z 08 Mar 2013 post your entry here on THIS post on SSD and nowhere else. Only entries here are eligible to win. We will randomly select the winning entry once the contest closes.
Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.
One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.
Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.
Tags: Blue Force Gear
Innovation is key. I like how BFG doesn’t have an enormous product line like so many other manufacturers. They only put their name on the most innovative, functional, and unique products around.
Looks like a winner to me.
I like puppy dogs and ice cream.
Helium Whisper dump pouch!
I love the BFG 10 speeds, unobtrusive when unloaded; secure and stable when loaded.
I want their plate carrier.
Helium Whisper 10speed triple mag pouch!
Vicker’s Sling of course!!
I haven’t tried much BFG kit but the VCAS is a bad ass sling.
10 speeds on the sides of my plate carrier are perfect. Out of the way when I don’t need them and tight to the body when I do!
I really like my Vickers Combat Application Sling!! The best!
My fave would have to be the Vickers Combat Applications sling, padded.
Helium Whisper triple mag pouch!
Admin pouch all the way!
I like the ten speed chest rig. I have yet to try the helium whisper stuff.
The TQ NOW! pouch. First BFG product I bought (not the last!), does the trick and nothing else, which is just how I like it. Has been a constant item on my 2nd line ever since.
Tough call. I have a VCAS on every rifle I own, but the SOC-C belt with armor is great too.
I’ll have to go with the VCAS sling though.
BFG Lightweight Modular Armor Carrier with Ten Speed side closures. Awesome, lightweight, comfortable carrier. Couldn’t be happier with it.
The LMAC is my favorite. Great plate carrier. I like how blue force seems to always come up with a winner when they merge lightweight and innovation.
Big fan of everything BFG, but I have to say my single favorite piece of gear is the ultralight dump pouch!
BFG Multicam VCAS Padded
I really like the design on the SOC-C Modular Padded Belt
I really like their innovative products but wish I didn’t feel the urge to replace my older pouches with their helium whisper versions.
VCAS sling, but I would love to try the belt minimus.
The SOC-C Modular Sling Rocks!
The Ten Speed three mag pouch.
Vcas padded
The LMAC looks like a really solid product
BELTminus Rocks! hope i win it;-)
Nice! By far the vickers combat sling!
I’ve been very happy with my BFG products (Vickers Sling, Dappers), and am currently looking to put together a “Battle Belt”. This seems like just the thing.
Holey web gear batman!
I really like the LMAC Armor Carrier. Small light wt PC, looks great for long missions and personal weapon training!
BFG Padded VCAS with RED swivel
BFG VCAS padded sling!
The TenSpeed Bandolier – keep it in the truck/jeep, holds anything at the ready. Very handy and light, and collapses to nothing unless you fill it up!
Just got my first ten speed and plate carrier. Love ’em both!!!
BTW, even if I don’t win, you guys rock! Keep up the innovation, we need it!
Lightweight Modular Armor Carrier.
Favorite? Ultralight Dump Pouch for sure.
My favorite BFG products are the Ten-Speed mag pouches.
cool stuff looks light weight
Believe it or not I have a Blue Force push button sling swivel that I just love. I have had others fail on me but not the blue force swivel. Sometimes the simplest things are the most critical.
The 10-Speed triple mag rocks.
The belt minus hands down
Helium Whisper TenSpeed magazine pouches, fastest, lightest and multipurpose. One of the best innovations in a long time! I hope to sell these in the near future
SOC-C Low Profile suspenders, very comfortable
The BFG Sling is impeccable. I own 4 of the and use them everything from a SBR AR to a Ruger 10/22.
I WANT!…. please