
How Did I Not Have One Of These?

The reason I never had one of these Entertech water guns is because I was already in the Army by the time they came out. But, if they had them now, I’d get the RPG.

Thanks Tyler!


17 Responses to “How Did I Not Have One Of These?”

  1. adil says:

    Had one of these! They sure were fun!!!

  2. Eric says:

    I had the M16. It was a ton of fun

  3. Case says:

    The AK center fire saw plenty of action during the Hatley, MS conflict (1985-1993). My only issue with the weapon is that battle field recovery of ammunition from creeks caused several malfunctions. Should’ve gone with the RPG.

  4. Trvs says:

    I think we should limit those kids to only 10oz of water. 30oz would be dangerous.

  5. Reverend says:

    I had the micro Uzi version with at least a gallon of water in spare mags. Loads of fun!

  6. aECTR says:

    5. Recent social psychology research clearly indicates that there is a direct relationship between gratuitously violent movies/video games and desensitization to real violence and increased aggressive behavior particularly in children and young adults (See Nicholas L. Carnagey, et al. 2007. “The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life violence” and the references therein. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43:489-496). Therefore, we strongly recommend that gratuitous violence in movies and video games be discouraged. War and war-like behavior should not be glorified. Hollywood and video game producers are exploiting something they know nothing about. General Sherman famously said “War is Hell!” Leave war to the Professionals. War is not a game and should not be “sold” as entertainment to our children.

    • John Parker, Jr says:

      Whatever. Growing up without playing with toy guns with your friends, building forts, climbing trees, and chasing critters has been inextricably linked to an adulthood plagued by sunken chests, smelling like patchouli oil, living in your mom’s basement, driving a Prius, and whining about being a victim.

      The only problem with video games is if parents allow kids to play too much instead of parenting, and don’t teach them about the real world. Yes, I know Grossman says video games desensitize kids to violence. That doesn’t make them act violently, so long as they have strong adult guidance and a moral code.

      If you stigmatize being a warrior, you will build a nation of cowards. Or “progressives”, but then, I repeat myself.

      Chesty Puller would have had an AK Centerfire squirt gun. I sure as heck did.

      The Huff Post would be a better place for your comment.

  7. aECTR says:

    These evil people exhibit all the deranged anti-social behaviors that lead to this stuff. They are able to recede into their dark little worlds playing violent video games where they can simulate the mass murder of hundreds of people as they run screaming from the gamer. A regular person can do this and know it is a game, but a mentally ill person (whether medically or pushed there from bullying, or any other reason) starts to see this sort of thing as possible. They start to wonder what it would be like in real life. We are surrounded by violent imagery in the media: movies, TV, games, etc. We are separated more and more from each other by social media that takes the human contact out of our lives. And when parents and teachers do not intercede when a kid is exhibiting mental instability, we get tragedies.

    • Angry Misha says:

      @aECTR, ummm its a post about a water pistol you dweeb lol

      @SSD, I had one, but it kept messing up. Then they came out with one that looked like Beretta M12

    • Andrew says:

      So aECTR I’m inferring from your comments that you are in favor of the squirt guns and playing war instead of watching war movies or playing video games as playing war with a squirt gun is an example of real human interaction.

    • Mobious says:

      So you’re saying individuals with mental disorders/developmental delays are dangerous to all the “sane minded children” playing GTA at 7… it’s not the games it’s the kids mentally ill ones keep media away from them or they’ll kill you!

      Sure there are issues in society with it’s portrayal and inherent acceptance of violence, and I get ticked at the extreme glorification of anything military to the point where anyone who “fought for the country” must be treated with respect above all others and deserve biblical treatment as if they’re more important than the people they
      “protect”. But, human nature man, girls will find a doll to take care of and boys will pick up a stick and start fighting, and just look at those kids having fun blasting water at each other! Anti-social yeah right

  8. fmfbest says:

    Neighbor had the m16 but didn’t like it so I always used it. It was quite awesome. It had a decent range, slower more controllable cyclic rate, and carried about a half gallon of water in SAW type drum on the bottom. Thanks for posting this, it brings back great memories.,

  9. Eric B says:

    Had one of these, it was awesome. Ah the glory days of playing war with my buddies out in the fields…and none of us have become homicidal maniacs. Go figure! Well, most of us are cops or military-types now, so I guess that qualifies in the eyes of lefties and their ilk.

  10. Mojo says:

    The motorized “wek-wek-wek” of the full auto was music to my ears! This thing was better than Metroplex to a 7 year old!

  11. Ken says:

    Several available on Ebay right now INCLUDING an RPG version. Buy it Now for $119.00

  12. SEAMUS says:

    I had the m16 version. It was always jamming and didn’t have the knockdown power of the AK one.

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