TYR Tactical

ODG Launches Website

Just received this note from Orion Design Group.


ODG is pleased to finally announce the website is up and active. Special thanks to Heidi over at 13 Zulu for her hard work and help getting it finished and on line. Thank you to all of our customers who have been patiently waiting for this to happen. Merch is available please stay tuned to facebook and SSD as we add product in the coming weeks!! Enjoy!



6 Responses to “ODG Launches Website”

  1. Bluenoser says:

    Right now all users will do is navigate to the site, attempt any or all of the man/mountain/beast options front and centre on the page, and be disappointed at the lack of content. Why wouldn’t they just wait to launch the whole site in a few weeks time with products included?

  2. CWall says:

    I’m pretty sure I saw Channing Tatum rockin’ some Lupus in the new G.I. Joe trailer.

  3. Philip says:

    Any word on when gear and uniforms in the Lupus pattern will become available?

  4. ODG says:

    Gentlemen thanks for the posts, we were long over due to release the site it was roughly a year in development. Furthermore we did announce on facebook that Merch is available and product was coming soon, so nobody should have been surprised or disappointed. In the coming weeks we are releasing our helmet covers, a new low vis IWB holster for glock/M&P, And some other great gear. We are planning on having clothing, and nylon gear in production early summer. Thanks for your continued patience as we move into the new year.

    • Bluenoser says:

      Hey ODG, you guys have great products and everyone will certainly be happy once the site is fully populated and live. It’s shaping up very very well for the loads of time you guys have been putting into it. It’s just that with long waits and much fanfare with continued SSD posts, waiting a while to then get unpopulated sections is just seemed surprising. Best of luck with the coming updates!

      • SSD says:

        I can tell you guys, getting a website created is both expensive and fraught with risk.