RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Colorado Gov Signs Gun Control Measures Into Law

From the very beginning it was an uphill battle stopping a Colorado legislature and Governor’s mansion occupied by Democrats from enacting restrictive new gun laws that are ill conceived and largely unenforceable, so it was really no surprise earlier today when Gov John Hickenlooper signed into law three bills. These laws require universal background checks for gun sales, restrict the size of ammunition magazines to those capable of holding nor more than 15 rounds and make gun buyers pay for their own background checks.

MagPul has sworn to leave their Eerie, Colorado home if the magazine ban became law but not before seeding the state with as many standard capacity magazines as possible before the law takes effect. Now the question is, where will they go? They’ve alluded to multiple locations and if I had a dollar I’d put my money on one of those being Wyoming due to its strong support of the Second Amendment as well as close proximity to MagPul’s current location in “occupied” Colorado. Good luck to my friends in the Centennial State. SSD will begin retrograde operations soon for our personnel behind enemy lines.


27 Responses to “Colorado Gov Signs Gun Control Measures Into Law”

  1. Sean says:

    Bold prediction…a lot of democrat legislators are going to be out of work after the next election because of this. Sad part is that even if the mag ban is repealed I doubt magpul will come back.

    • Rob Collins says:

      This was a party changer for me. Not all (former) democrats are anti 2a. I know a LOT who are big time firearm owners. I don’t feel either side represents me after Sandy Hook. I have never believed the media portrays anything but their own hysterical agenda. Will be shopping 3rd party candidates from now on, republicans have made huge fiscal mistakes that benefit the rich, punish labor, and only sometimes represent the intent of the constitution.

      In the meantime, I’m shopping for 20 rd Bulgarian AK mags to fit my 2 Yugo 7.62×39 AKMs.

  2. Mark says:

    These liberals are true believers. They have strapped on their vests and are determined to take us all to paradise by detonating their state economies. Michigan will fall first, then Illinois and followed by California.

    Hang in there Colorado.

  3. Doc B says:

    Entirely possible that I misread, but even if Magpul does successfully flood CO with hojillions of standard capacity magazines, will they not be illegal to possess after the law sets in?

    I think that if so, Magpul might do something different – how about a magazine buyback program that allows owners to send in their (serviceable) previously-purchased mags and essentially have them purchased by Magpul at the plain-Jane mag price of around 18 bucks?

    Then, Magpul could offer these for sale to others at that price plus shipping. I know it sounds less than nice, but it gives Coloradoans the ability to stay within the confines of their legislature’s idiocy and keep out of trouble, and it gives people a chance to actually buy quality mags in a market that’s been overwhelmed. Back up their voluntary sale with a script that guarantees them the ability to purchase new mags at whatever price they sell these for after the laws are found unconstitutional or are repealed, and I feel that a mostly fair deal is in play.

    • Standard magazines owned before the ban will be “Grandfathered” in, and not subject to prosecution. (Keep your receipts until we can make a clean sweep of the CO State “resresentatives”)

  4. Clay says:

    I believe the idea of the Boulder Airlift is to flood the state with magazines before the ban goes into effect thereby grandfathering in more than enough mags to make the bill seem even more pointless than it is. It’s a valid plan, but It doubt it will sway lawmakers any time soon, not with New York’s hand on their wallets.

  5. Lucky says:

    It’s all about grandfathering and helping out the law abiding citizens iPod Colorado before they go guys. As Harry Reid admitted, any democrat that tries to do things like this now, probably won’t be reelected later.

  6. JM says:

    Its a sad day when Colorado falls behind enemy lines.

    Come join us in FA boys!

  7. 404953C says:

    The only question now is will the NRA actually fight this or will they let another part of the United States become enemy lines. Running isn’t helping. The posturing isn’t helping. This is a Constitutional law case, plain and simple. The lack of response of the past decade by the NRA to illegal laws in ban states like NY, NJ, MA, CA, etc. has been hugely disappointing. Letting these laws go unchallenged has promoted their expansion both in these states and now across America. Instead, the NRA has focused on small gains in places where guns were already freely available. I am a lifetime member of the NRA and I now contribute to Gun Owners of Amerca. I have been disappointed to see the organization espouse views that alienate many potential members and create ammunition for the enemies of civil liberty (for example why does the NRA even need a position on abortion). The time has come. Stand and challenge these laws so they can be stopped once and for all. Stop running. Stop saying we should be move to State X. These are our homes. We should be able to live there, unmolested by political agendas.

    • SSD says:

      Very good points and a sentiment I agree with.

    • Chuck says:

      100% AGREEMENT.

    • corsair says:

      Very well said. The NRA practically abandon CA when Fienstein jammed the first round of state level gun bans through in the 90’s. Once they realized what was going on, it was too late and their efforts were marginal at best. People swearing to move to a friendlier states only creates a vacuum and allows the anti’s to move in, gain a foothold and add another state to their rolls. Stand up for your home and your rights, make the anti uncomfortable with your presence not the other way around.

  8. maresdesign says:

    What this has really accomplished is record sales of “assault weapons”, bulk ammo, and “high-capacity” magazines in Colorado (not to mention across the US) There are more of these in private ownership than ever before with no real means to regulate them. The Democrats have done absolutely nothing in the name of public safety. I’ll see them all at the ballot box.

  9. MN says:

    Agent W is infiltrating the mountaineering community and establishing high altitude observation posts. He will soon be setting up an underground network to spirit refugees out of occupied territory. The establishment suspects nothing! His cover is solid! Viva Colorado!

  10. Got my PMAGS today. Thanks for the support Magpul! We’ll miss you.

  11. Wolverines says:

    The chair is against the wall.

  12. Sal Palma says:

    March 20th is a day that will live on in infamy for Coloradans. If anything can be said about the enacted legislation is that it stands as a colossal example of Galbraith’s statement

    “If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.”

  13. Bobby Moore says:

    To quote a friend: “Very sad for sure. We were going to move to CO then realized its simply CA w more mountains.” Coloradans need to stand up for their state before it becomes mine.

  14. walter shumate says:

    John has a long mustache.

  15. Buckaroomedic says:

    My wife and I were seriously thinking about moving back to Colorado after getting out of the military. This law was the final “nail in the coffin” on not going back to our home state.

    Unfortunately, the very vocal minority in Denver has ruined the entire state.

    Good on MagPul for leaving. That’s the only thing that career politicians understand; money talks.