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Seul Military Consulting 2013 Customer Catalog Now Available for Download

Germany’s Seul Military Consulting offers some of the finest tactical brands including Crye Precision, LBT, S.O.Tech and S&S Precision.


Get your copy at www.military-consulting.de/index.php/downloads and ‘Like’ them on Facebook.


6 Responses to “Seul Military Consulting 2013 Customer Catalog Now Available for Download”

  1. mike says:

    it’s a shame that Seul is the only way to get Flecktarn Crye pieces, the exchange rate and the shipping makes the whole idea kinda ridiculous.

  2. aaron says:

    Anyone else having problems with the pdfs?

  3. D.G. says:

    Am I missing something or there’s no way to buy anything from them? The catalog has no prices only listed items and when you visit hpg website there’s just a pic of something written in German on it. So do they sell stuff or not?

    • Loki says:

      In the PDF-File there is a Fax-form wich you need to fill to order. Old-fashion. They didn’t have a onlineshop right now.
      They are also high-priced. A CP Gen3 cost there a little bit over 300 $ without pads!!!

      • D.G. says:

        Yeah but there’s not much choice in good gear from famous US companies like Crye in Europe. No US websites ship here.