
Forces Focus – Irish Gardai ERU

Looks like Ireland’s Garda Emergency Response Unit (ERU) wears Arc’teryx LEAF clothing in wolf.

photo – Irish Sun

Read the Irish Sun to learn more about the ERU.

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13 Responses to “Forces Focus – Irish Gardai ERU”

  1. Arrow 4 says:

    Ya gotta love these guys…you can tell he’s Irish even with a balaclava on:-)

  2. wretch says:

    yeah, the irish have a history of wearing balaclavas, particularly when they’re planting roadside bombs to target british soldiers.

    • Stomper says:

      Wow, let’s just nip this in the bud and not go down that road.

    • DemandEuphoria says:

      Take it somewhere else.

      • wretch says:

        ha well it was a little counter to that classic american belief that the irish are awesome and can do no wrong.
        if you don’t want to take your rose tinted glasses off that’s fine..

        • Stomper says:

          Wretch this has nothing to do with rose tinted glasses, this is a post about regarding an Irish LE unit which actively works to route out terrorist activity, to quote the news article linked:

          “So far this year, dissident republicans, feuding drug gangs and vicious tiger kidnappers have been in the elite unit’s sights.”

          Your line of thought is tangential to this post.

        • Stomper says:

          I would also like to add that the unit patch on the LE member pictured would indicate that he is a British officer who participated in the joint training exercise…

    • Ben says:

      Well here’s a smattering of classic sweeping ignorance and generalisation!

  3. Jake says:

    Isn’t that the guy from the SWAT hand signals series?

  4. J19 says:

    Look a little closer at the patch and weapon system.

  5. J19 says:

    Its Arcteryx Talos in Grey Wolf, Weapons a Sig516.

  6. Erik says:

    Surprised no one has made comment on the old school 90 degree elbow…..

  7. Trojan says:

    This guy isn’t ERU he’s an SFO from London (Met Police) Cross Training ahead of the G8 meeting