TYR Tactical

Trauma Training FX – Warning Graphic Content

A two-day open enrollment, Public Safety Medical Training TCCC certification course is available 3-4 May in Va Beach, VA from Trauma Training FX Inc. No prior medical training required. For those with medical training, this course offers 16 CEUs.

T2 Trauma

After the jump, take a look at the video. It shows the type of exposure you’ll get at this training. Considering the variety traumatic injuries that happen on an almost daily basis down range and what we saw earlier this week in Boston, you might want to consider attending this course. this is nothing to be taken lightly and a little stress inoculation is good for anyone who might face these circumstances.


2 Responses to “Trauma Training FX – Warning Graphic Content”

  1. Bryan m says:

    Do they offer anything open enrollment in the southeast? I couldn’t find anything approaching a schedule on their site.

  2. Fred Kolberg says:

    Hello Bryan,

    We can schedule something in the southeast. We are a mobile training team. Give me a call at 757.335.2079 or email me at fkolberg@t2training.com.
