SIG SAUER - Never Settle

BHI Offers A Handy Sling Attachment Tip

Blackheart International offered this sling attachment tip.


It’s something we see all too often, and it drives us crazy…people attaching their rifle sling to the inside of their stock. Slings should be attached to the outside of the stock (the trigger hand side of the rifle). Doing so allows the stock to fit tight into the shoulder when the shooter’s support arm takes up the slack in the sling. A tight fit into the shoulder will provide much more stable shooting geometry and improved accuracy than if the sling is mounted on the inside of the stock. When the sling is adjustable, as in the case with the BHI Quick-Adjust Weapon Sling, stability and accuracy is further enhanced.


3 Responses to “BHI Offers A Handy Sling Attachment Tip”

  1. jbgleason says:

    BHI are some great dudes so don’t take this as a knock BUT… the way that is written makes it seem that their way is the ONLY way. That may work great on the MagPul stock shown but some stocks have attachment points at different locations. Attaching on the opposite side in some cases may cause the rifle to roll over when hanging/hang upside down and that is problematic. Especially when trying to grab the rifle and go to a firing position quickly. I get what they are saying and they are right in the particular instance they describe but, as all great instructors do, you have to leave the door open to other opinions/options. Just sayin’.

  2. Fox says:

    True. If I can hit a human size target at 300 meters standing with the sling on the inside of the stock- Then I am in good shape. If I am shooting past 300 meters, then I can switch over if need be. Thanks for the tip. +1 for the ol’ tool box. Beware the pet peave. I see this becoming a norm in training. Different strokes for different folks.

  3. Ben P. says:

    This is also really helpful if you are using a breaching shotgun. It will pull the buttstock in toward your body when you transition to the shotgun, and allow you to get that bungee in the correct position, without it getting hung up on the stock.