TYR Tactical

Trigger Guards – OTG vs KAC – Updated

Do you still think they look the same? OTG on the left, KAC on the right.


One reader posted that the KAC trigger guard in the photo above was the old version so I pulled this image from the KAC website.


Furthermore, reader JS snapped this photo of his KAC trigger guard.


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19 Responses to “Trigger Guards – OTG vs KAC – Updated”

  1. Jim says:

    Different enough, same idea though

  2. Josh says:

    Very close. Just a slight degree change on the chamfer. If it was my product I would not be happy to see this

  3. jbgleason says:

    If we are going back to the original idea then Eugene Stoner is the only one allowed to claim that part. I am going to say it is different enough to pass muster. Even if it was an almost exact copy, it’s still just a trigger guard. How different could it be?

  4. Or says:

    Seems like OTG uses a simple plain faces styling, while KAC had gone for curved faces, and a sleeker design
    But it’s correct that the initial shapes are alike

  5. Mark says:

    No. The KAC one actually looks meaningfully designed. By the way, that’s an older version of their trigger guard.

    • SSD says:

      “Meaningfully designed” wtf does that mean?

      • Or says:

        Probably that they’ve actually thought before making it

        • SSD says:

          I asked Mark.

        • Rob says:

          Yes, no thinking is required and no time is ever spent rendering it in Solid Works than test fitting variants than going back to the drawing board to refine the design. Some people like talking out of their ass. Just saying

  6. straps says:

    The Knight’s product doesn’t appear to plug the blister gap.

    Also, Knight’s won’t ship to California because some idiot who I didn’t vote for slid their RAS on our ban list. So here’s a San Diego-based company fulfilling our need. We’re gonna be like those Cuban dudes with their ’58 Chevys building AR parts in our garages.

    Lastly, Knight’s needs more time to make Triple Taps. THOSE have waay more effect on handling. And at $400 a pop, I doubt they’re losing money on them.

  7. JSGlock34 says:

    The newest version of the KAC guard does plug the gap. And the Triple Tap’s successor, the MAMS, is now available. Though still pricey for a muzzle device, it is 25% cheaper than the Triple Tap, but more effective at reducing recoil and flash. Win-win.

    KAC rocks.

  8. bob says:

    Haters gonna hate. I’ll be buying one from OTG when they’re available.

  9. BradKAF308 says:

    Of all the parts that’s the last thing I would spend money on. The pistol grip is my main complaint. The issue grip totally sucks. That was the first thing I did spend money on.

  10. james says:

    While I agree they do look pretty similar… after designing for 25+ years, I will give you these two bits of advice…

    First: knock offs (and I am not claiming this is the case) are going be out there… be flattered that someone one thought your design merrited the effort…

    Second: there are hundres of different tires out there… they are all round and hold air… and many are within any giving catagory are also pretty darn similar… so while you may think your product is being copied or knocked off… it may actually be improved upon. and is a good thing!

    Just my 2 cents…

  11. Richard says:

    Try posting the KAC guard at the same angles.