Protact by Haartz

DIABLO Field Computing Device from Digital Force Technologies

Early on in SSD’s history we wrote about Digital Force Technologies’ Satellite Imagery Enhanced GPS (SIMEG) Receiver. It is an awesome device and garnered a lot of interest from the user community when it was released. At this year’s SOFIC, we got a chance to check out DFT’s follow-on to SIMEG, the DIABLO.


While the SIMEG used a proprietary operating system, DIABLO relies on Android. It features an integrated high-sensitivity GPS receiver, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The user can customize the functionality of the DIABLO through the use of apps, but its greatest strength is the fusion of Geospatial Information and Services data with pinpoint positioning data to provide accurate situational awareness. Throw overlay data and live reporting feeds on top of that and you increase your battlespace awareness exponentially.


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9 Responses to “DIABLO Field Computing Device from Digital Force Technologies”

  1. bulldog76 says:

    is it just me or is tech being pushed on gi’s or atleast trying to be sold to the military more and more …..

    • SSD says:

      No, it’s not you.

      • bulldog 76 says:

        i mean tech is ok but they shouldnt push it to the point where gis have to rely on it

        • SSD says:

          Would you like to go back to the sling, spear and bow and arrow as well?

          • bulldog76 says:

            where did i say we need to go back the pre written history period ??? all im saying is we dont need to be relying on electronics for everything ….

        • Jason says:

          My opinion is this:

          When you teach a new driver, they should learn the basics. Don’t let them drive with a gps at first. Make them plan their routes using maps. Google maps, as long as they trace the route and understand the directions, is acceptable.

          It helps the student get a feel for the roads and plan their steps ahead of time so they’re not fumbling at the wheel trying to hit the exit….especially when the gps doesn’t remember to remind you of the upcoming exit.

          But if you’re an experienced driver….do you still bother with maps? When was the last time you chose to not use your gps when driving somewhere you’ve never been? Why shackle yourself when the tools are there?

          The fundamentals are necessary but there’s no need to ignore tools that can help.

  2. wheeler says:

    It is good that the device is able to run from BA-5390. I would like to know the HW specs.