Wilcox BOSS Xe

Blue Force Gear – Hive Satchel Poll

Hive Line Up

Blue Force Gear is looking for input on future color options for the Hive Satchel in addition to any feedback regarding the concept as a whole. The above image links to the poll, so make your voice heard.


13 Responses to “Blue Force Gear – Hive Satchel Poll”

  1. badjujuu says:

    If I had to buy one for conceal carry

    going from most likely to least.

  2. Snot Locker says:

    Number 3 due to the fact that it doesn’t scream LE or Mil.

  3. paul says:

    I’d add #7 to that list for my wife.

  4. JB says:

    I like #9

  5. bulldog 76 says:

    i like 8

  6. tom says:


  7. Chris says:

    3, 9, 10

  8. Stryker Magnum says:

    2, 4, 3

  9. Lasse says:

    BFG, you should try a CB and black combo. I’ve built a few packs in that coloration and it doesn’t scream mil/le at all. But on that list, 3 is by far the most civilian colorway, and it looks really good.

  10. bob says:

    3 for sure.

  11. Erick says:

    If you all follow the link, it takes you to SurveyMonkey page where you can pass the feedback and any other insights direct to BFG. I’m guessing Ashley or Stephen or John might monitor these comments but I Onw they’ll see their survey. A thought.

  12. Logan F. Crooks says:

    2 Most Definitely.